ID | #1624802958 |
Añadido | Dom, 27/06/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
Varios testigos informaron haber visto un OVNI que se asemejaba a una esfera verdosa brillante rodeada de luces rojas, moviéndose muy rápidamente sobre esta área.
Luego, el objeto aparentemente aterrizó cerca de una base militar en Taverny, y varios testigos en varios lugares vieron dos humanoides salir del objeto.
Las criaturas o humanoides han sido descritas como" translúcidas " de color verdoso con grandes ojos negros. Las piernas no eran visibles, y parecía que se movían de manera extraña y muy rápida. Los dos testigos estaban a solo 50-100 metros de la nave y las criaturas, pero estaban demasiado sorprendidos y asustados para tomar fotos (¿en sus teléfonos celulares?).
Aparentemente, los humanoides notaron a los testigos y volvieron a entrar en la nave, que también despegó y desapareció.
Noticias originales
Location. Near Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France
Date: September 4 2008
Time: 0200a
Summary: Several witnesses reported seeing a UFO resembling a bright greenish sphere encircled with red lights moving very fast over the area. The object then apparently landed, not far from the military base at Taverny and several witnesses at various locations saw 2 humanoids exit the object. The beings or humanoids were described as ‘translucent’ and greenish in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible and they seemed to move around strangely and very quickly. Two of the witnesses were only about 50-100 meters from the craft and beings but were too surprised and frightened to take any photos (on their cellphones?). Apparently the humanoids noticed the witnesses and re-entered the craft which then also took off and disappeared.
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