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Se han registrado en el Archivo 35225 hechos de 177 países que pertenecen a 1198 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2834, otros 11033 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 322 versiones.

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OVNI. Canadá

ID #1633704632
Añadido Vie, 08/10/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
09.2011 21:00
озеро Онапинг

El 13 de octubre, el autor del material original recibió el siguiente correo electrónico:

Tengo algunos avistamientos de Ovnis en el área de Sudbury para 2011. Las fechas y horas son aproximadas, pero si es necesario, puedo hablar con otros testigos en cada ocasión para determinar detalles más precisos (grados desde el horizonte, distancia, Tamaño, velocidad, etc...). He sido un "creyente" durante todo el tiempo que puedo recordar, pero nunca he presenciado personalmente nada que no pueda explicarse como un fenómeno Celestial natural, una ilusión óptica, un fenómeno artificial o de otro tipo... hasta este año. En lo que va de 2011, he visto cinco eventos importantes, cuatro de los cuales ocurrieron con la participación de otros testigos.


No. 6: Principios de septiembre de 2011, continuamente de 21: 00 a 23: 00. Lago Onaping (ver Nº 4). Las condiciones eran claras sobre nuestra área, pero tormentosas en el lejano sureste. Aunque no se pronosticó en los informes meteorológicos, en algún lugar al Norte de Capreola se desató una tormenta muy inusual. La tormenta se aisló por completo durante el resto de la noche clara, con destellos de rayos al menos cada segundo más o menos durante aproximadamente dos horas. Durante los brotes, se vio claramente que la tormenta era pequeña y fuerte, centrada en una nube en forma de hongo. Durante la tormenta, permaneció en el mismo lugar hasta el final, cuando se disolvió gradualmente. Lo he visto con muchos de mis familiares que han vivido en el área toda su vida. Todos estaban completamente desconcertados por esta extraña tormenta, todos afirmaron que nunca habían visto algo así, y rápidamente llamaron al resto para que también lo vieran. Puede que no esté relacionado con los Ovnis, pero sentí que era algo a tener en cuenta. todos afirmaron que nunca habían visto algo así, y rápidamente llamaron al resto para que también lo vieran. Puede que no esté relacionado con los Ovnis, pero sentí que era algo a tener en cuenta. todos afirmaron que nunca habían visto algo así, y rápidamente llamaron al resto para que también lo vieran. Puede que no esté relacionado con los Ovnis, pero sentí que era algo a tener en cuenta.




Noticias originales

Location: Sudbury and area, Ontario

On October 13, I received the following e-mail:

I have several UFO sightings in the Sudbury area to report for the year 2011. The dates and times are approximate but if necessary I can speak with the other witnesses for each case to determine more exact details (degrees from the horizon, distance, size, speed, etc…). I have been a “believer” for as long as I can remember, but I had never personally witnessed anything that could not be explained as a natural celestial event, optical illusion, man-made or other phenomenon…until this year. So far in 2011, I have seen five major events, four of which were with other witnesses. They are listed in chronological order as follows:

#1: Late March-Early April 2011(still some snow on the ground), around 11pm, in a dark forested area 1.1 km South of St-Laurent st (technically in Chelmsford) and about 1 km East of Monte Rouleau. Conditions were clear and mild. I don’t remember seeing the moon in the sky. I was visiting a campground that I made a few years ago and I was sitting by a campfire with my girlfriend Dawn. At one point, I got up and stood on a high clearing when something caught my eye towards the South. I turned to see what appeared to be a brilliant white star low on the horizon (45 degrees or so) that was several times bigger and brighter than any other star. It was slowly descending in a straight vertical line (somewhere near Copper Cliff, I think) only several km away. I called Dawn over to see it and we both watched as it came down, a secondary light appeared beside it, just sort of faded in, that was much dimmer than the main light. They formed a line parallel to the horizon and descended in total synchronization except that the secondary light faded in and out occasionally. They continued to descend together until, after a total of about 30 seconds, they reached a point at about 10 degrees over the horizon and both dissolved. The light itself was almost multi-coloured like pure white light refracting off an invisible field, very beautiful. No plane or helicopter could have made such a steady descent (or disappear) in sync, and too slow for anything falling.

#2: Late April 2011(snow mostly gone), at dusk (roughly 9 pm?), in the exact same forested area as above. Conditions were fairly clear and very mild. I was again visiting the same campground with a friend who is a high school math teacher. As we were leaving, I stopped when I noticed a bright star in the distant East that was low on the horizon. I had just been telling my friend about the UFO sighting a month before when just then we witnessed the exact same event. This time the lights were far away, possibly near Garson, and we barely noticed them in time before they were gone but still managed to watch them for 15 seconds or so. It was fun to watch my friend going through the list of possible explanations and eliminating them all except for one: UFO!

#3: Mid-Summer around July 2011, roughly 7-8 pm when the sun is blindingly low in the Western sky but still high enough to be daytime, at my parent’s house on St-Laurent st. Conditions were very clear. I was sitting on the back porch with some friends talking. I was facing West, since there is a large tree blocking the late afternoon sun, when a bright object in the sky caught my attention. It seemed like it was either a bright white-orange light, or a very shinny metallic object that was reflecting the sun. I dismissed it as a plane at first, but as I kept glancing back at it, I noticed that it was absolutely stationary; it made not even the slightest movement in any way. It just sat there at about 75 degrees above the horizon to the North-West of my position. I didn’t know what to think. I had, at this point, now seen two other UFO events and told almost everyone so I didn’t want to say anything in case it really was just a plane because that would make me look like a fool. I said nothing to the others that were sitting around. Then, suddenly, it was gone and I knew for certain that it wasn’t a plane.

#4: Mid-August 2011, near midnight, at the family cottage on Onaping Lake (the site is just several km up the lake from “3-Mile Narrows”). Conditions were very clear with no moon. While star-gazing, my girlfriend and I spotted what appeared at first to be a satellite moving along the sky. It was quite bright and moved a little faster than most man-made satellites but was of relative size. We kept our eyes on it and noticed that its path was not constant but seemed to zigzag slightly as it went along. It travelled from the Northern sky where we first noticed it, to the Southern horizon towards Sudbury then faded away. Sighting lasted less than 30 seconds.

#5: August 30th, 2011, around 10 pm. Near White Water Lake in Azilda (North-Eastern shore). Dusk, the sky was not yet totally dark with fairly clear conditions. We were having a backyard birthday party for my girlfriend when myself and at least four other witnesses noticed a bright “star” that was about 45 degrees over the South-Eastern horizon. It was in a slow vertical descent, similar to events witnessed earlier this year. My teacher friend came over, pointing at it and shouting: “Hey, that thing’s moving!” Before long, we lost sight of it behind the trees.

#6: Early September 2011, continuous from 9pm to 11pm. Onaping Lake (see #4). Conditions were clear over our area but stormy in the distant South-East. Though not forecast in the weather reports, a very unusual electrical storm was raging somewhere North of Capreol. The storm was completely isolated on an otherwise clear night, with lightning flashes at least every second or so for approximately two hours. During the flashes, one could clearly see that the storm was small and intense, with a mushroom cloud center. Throughout the storm, it remained in the exact same spot until the end when it gradually dissolved. I viewed this with many of my relatives, all of whom have lived in the area for their entire lives. They were all completely mystified by this strange storm, each one claiming that they had never seen anything like it and quickly called over the others so they could see it as well. This may not have UFO connection but I felt that it should be noted.

#7: Mid-September, 2011, noon. At my home in Copper Cliff. Outside conditions were bright and sunny with few to no clouds. In the kitchen with my girlfriend Dawn, I was facing away from the window, she was directly facing the window (East facing the Smelter from Power st). There came a sudden flash of light that was so fast, I couldn’t be sure that it happened until I looked at Dawn and saw her baffled expression. Our eyes felt like they had been exposed to bright light but the effect was minor because of the brief duration of the flash. Dawn confirms that no one was driving by in the parking lot or closing/opening a car door at the time of the flash, excluding the possibility of reflection from the sun.

That’s all for now. Lengthy, I know, but I hope these help with your studies. I’ll ask around about the flashes because I think it could have a connection to UFO sightings in the area, especially after that exciting footage from Jerusalem recently with a similar flash.

I just thought I should mention that one of the photographs that you have posted is assuredly not a UFO. It is listed as having been shot somewhere near Val Caron and shows what appears to be a metallic, upside-down tear shape hovering in a field a few years ago. I know exactly where that picture was taken (from Monte Rouleau) and I know beyond doubt that the silver object in the picture is actually a balloon. As strange as it may appear, they had these large (3-4 foot) silver balloons tied down in farmer’s fields every 100-200 meters for what was apparently a geophysical survey or something of that sort. Absolutely not extra-terrestrial in origin. However, I worked in mining exploration for years and my uncle, who lives in the area that the balloons were situated, is a geologist and neither of us have ever heard of this technology being used in mining exploration. No one seems to know for sure what they were for but they were gone after a couple of weeks.

E. L.


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