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Monstruo del lago Ness. Reino Unido

ID #1669290693
Añadido Jue, 24/11/2022
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

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Fecha del incidente: 
озеро Лох-Несс
Reino Unido

El veterano cazador de monstruos de lochnes dice que finalmente ha "demostrado la existencia" de la bestia mítica con un clip que muestra una misteriosa presencia en las aguas.

Eoin O'Faodhain admitió nuevamente haber experimentado un" shock de por vida " cuando vio una extraña figura negra de aproximadamente 10 pies (3 m) de largo en el lago mientras veía una transmisión en vivo a través de una cámara web.

Ahora dice que las imágenes recuerdan a Nessie, representada en la película De 2007 "Water Horse", y cree que pueden llevar al legendario monstruo del lago "del folclore a la realidad".

Él explicó:

"Noté un chapoteo y movimiento en la pantalla de la derecha, así como una larga figura negra, e inmediatamente comencé a grabar la pantalla de ese objeto. Estaba emocionado porque se quedaba en la superficie del agua, moviéndose muy lentamente, a diferencia de un pez grande que saltaba del agua pero luego se hundía".

El entusiasta de 58 años a menudo inicia sesión para observar el agua a través de una cámara web desde su casa en el Condado de Donegal, Irlanda.


"Este objeto no era un pez ni un tronco, para el caso, se movía a una velocidad controlada, lentamente, a diferencia de un tronco que se movería a lo largo de la corriente. Creo que es un ser vivo".

Noticias originales

A veteran hunter of the Loch Ness monster says he has finally “proven the existence” of the mythical beast with a clip showing a mysterious presence lurking in the waters.

Eoin O’Faodhagain admitted he got the “shock of my life” when he saw a strange black shape, estimated to be 10ft long, in the loch while he watched a livestream through a webcam.

Now he says the images evoke the Nessie depicted in the 2007 film, Water Horse, and believes they could bring the legendary lake monster “from folklore to reality”.

He explained: “I noticed a splash and movement on the screen coming into view on the right, and a long black shape, and I immediately started a screen recording of this object.

“I got excited because it remained on the surface of the water, moving very slowly, unlike a large fish that would leap out of the water, but would then submerge.”

The 58-year-old Nessie enthusiast often logs on on to watch the water via webcam from his home in County Donegal, Ireland.

He added: “This object was no fish, or a log for that matter – it was moving in a controlled speed, slow, unlike a log which would be moving with the current. I believe it is a live creature.”

Over the years he has racked up multiple entries in The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register.

But he thinks the latest images could be the most crucial in the long search for prove of Nessie's existence.

He added: “I believe in the Loch Ness Monster after witnessing a live sighting in July 1987. I think my video and photos on Saturday have proven the existence of the monster, and brought her from folklore to reality.”

The sighting was captured at Shoreland Lodges, near Fort Augustus on the loch’s southern shore, using a webcam maintained there by Visit Inverness Loch Ness.

It lasted for about 10 minutes and clearly showed the shape’s movement across the water.

Eoin, who works as a hospital clerk, described what he saw as a “very strange looking creature” and believes it could represent an unknown species.

“There’s a tail in shaded grey, a black round curved hump in the centre, and what looks like a fin near the front of the creature,” he continued.

“The head and neck are at an angle from the rest of the body, and there’s what looks like a long snout.

“I don't think there is anything that we know about today in the lakes and seas of the world that resembles that shape. One hypothesis for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster is that it is an unknown species.”


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