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Poltergeist. Reino Unido

ID #1686591739
Añadido Lun, 12/06/2023
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
Дом священника Борли
Reino Unido

Se informa que los primeros eventos paranormales en la casa parroquial de Borley ocurrieron alrededor de 1863, ya que varios lugareños recordaron más tarde haber escuchado pasos inexplicables en la casa en ese momento. 

El 28 de julio de 1900, las cuatro hijas de Bull vieron lo que confundieron con el fantasma de una monja al anochecer, a unos 40 metros (37 m) de la casa; trataron de hablar con él, pero desapareció cuando se acercaron. El organista local Ernest Ambrose dijo más tarde que la familia Bull estaba "muy convencida de haber visto el fantasma varias veces". Varias personas afirmaron haber sido testigos de una serie de incidentes misteriosos, como un carruaje fantasma conducido por dos jinetes sin cabeza, durante las siguientes cuatro décadas.

Después de la muerte de Harry Bull el 9 de junio de 1927, la casa del sacerdote Borley quedó vacante. Al año siguiente, el 2 de octubre, el reverendo Guy Eric Smith y su esposa se mudaron a la casa. Poco después de la mudanza, la esposa de Smith, mientras limpiaba el armario, se encontró con una bolsa de papel marrón con el cráneo de una mujer joven. Poco después, la familia reportó varios incidentes, incluido el sonido de las campanas del sirviente a pesar de que estaban apagadas, las luces que aparecían en las ventanas y los pasos inexplicables. Además, la esposa de Smith creía haber visto un carruaje tirado por caballos por la noche .

Los Smith contactaron al periódico Daily Mirror para que se pusiera en contacto con La sociedad para la investigación mental (SPR). El 10 de junio de 1929, el periódico envió a un reportero que inmediatamente escribió el primero de una serie de artículos que detallaban los secretos de la casa parroquial de Borley. El periódico también organizó la primera visita a la casa de Harry Price , un investigador paranormal. Llegó el 12 de junio e inmediatamente aparecieron fenómenos de un nuevo tipo, como el lanzamiento de piedras, un jarrón y otros objetos. Los" mensajes espirituales " salieron del marco del espejo. Una vez que Price se fue, estos fenómenos se detuvieron. La esposa de Smith afirmó más tarde que sospechaba de Price, un mago experimentado, de falsificar las apariciones.

Noticias originales

The first paranormal events at Borley Rectory reportedly occurred in about 1863, since a few locals later remembered having heard unexplained footsteps within the house at about that time. On 28 July 1900, four of Bull's daughters saw what they thought was the ghost of a nun at twilight, about 40 yards (37 m) from the house; they tried to talk to it, but it disappeared as they got closer.[10] Local organist Ernest Ambrose later said that the Bull family were "very convinced that they had seen an apparition on several occasions".[11] Various people claimed to have witnessed a variety of puzzling incidents, such as a phantom coach driven by two headless horsemen, during the next four decades. Bull died in 1892 and his son, the Reverend Henry ("Harry") Foyster Bull, took over the parish.[12]

Upon Harry Bull's death on 9 June 1927, Borley Rectory became vacant.[13] In the following year, on 2 October,[14] the Reverend Guy Eric Smith and his wife moved into the house. Soon after moving in, Smith's wife, while cleaning out a cupboard, reportedly came across a brown paper package containing the skull of a young woman.[15] Shortly after the family reported a variety of incidents, including the sounds of servant bells ringing despite their being disconnected, lights appearing in windows and unexplained footsteps. In addition, Smith's wife believed she saw a horse-drawn carriage at night.

The Smiths contacted the Daily Mirror newspaper asking to be put in touch with the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). On 10 June 1929 the newspaper sent a reporter, who promptly wrote the first in a series of articles detailing the mysteries of Borley Rectory. The paper also arranged for Harry Price, a paranormal researcher, to make his first visit to the house. He arrived on 12 June[16] and immediately phenomena of a new kind appeared, such as the throwing of stones, a vase and other objects. "Spirit messages" were tapped out from the frame of a mirror. As soon as Price left, these occurrences ceased. Smith's wife later maintained that she suspected Price, an expert conjurer, of falsifying the phenomena.[17]

The Smiths left Borley on 14 July 1929, and the parish had some difficulty in finding a replacement. On 16 October 1930, the Reverend Lionel Algernon Foyster (1878–1945), a first cousin of the Bulls, and his wife Marianne (1899–1992) moved into the house[14] along with their adopted daughter Adelaide.[18] Foyster wrote an account of various strange incidents that occurred between the time his family moved in and October 1935, which was sent to Price. These included bell-ringing, windows shattering, the throwing of stones and bottles, wall-writing and the locking of Adelaide in a room with no key. Marianne reported to her husband a whole range of poltergeist phenomena that included her being thrown from her bed.[19] On one occasion, Adelaide was attacked by "something horrible".[20] Foyster tried twice to conduct an exorcism, but his efforts were fruitless; in the middle of the first exorcism, he was struck in the shoulder by a fist-size stone.

Because of coverage of the case by the Daily Mirror, these incidents attracted the attention of several paranormal researchers, who after investigation were unanimous in suspecting that they were caused, consciously or unconsciously, by Marianne. She later said that she felt that some of the incidents were caused by her husband in concert with one of the psychic researchers, but other events appeared to her to be genuine paranormal phenomena. Marianne later admitted that she was having a sexual relationship with a lodger named Frank Pearless,[21][a] and that she used paranormal explanations to cover up her liaisons.[22]

The Foyster family left Borley in October 1935 as a result of Lionel Foyster's ill health.


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material

Falsificación deliberada

Esta versión incluye cualquier falsificación que imite fenómenos inexplicables como desde el exterior: bromas, flashmobs, noticias falsas, engaño de testigos, escenificaciones, etc.

Hay muchas maneras de hacer algo similar a un fantasma o un platillo volador con materiales improvisados, sin usar videos y fotomontajes.

Muchas cosas caseras hechas para una broma, una broma o una imitación directa de un ser o evento místico pueden confundirse con algo inexplicable no solo en fotos y videos, sino también en la realidad.


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.
No hay suficiente información


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación
No hay suficiente información

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