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Yeti. Estados Unidos

ID #1716189550
Añadido Lun, 20/05/2024
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

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Fecha del incidente: 
Estados Unidos

En el Norte de California, donde el silencio del bosque se rompe solo con el canto de los pájaros y el susurro de los árboles, sucedió algo increíble. Una familia que va a pasar un picnic en la naturaleza se encontró con algo que sigue siendo un misterio para los científicos y otros investigadores. Así lo informó el Daily Star.

La historia contada por Mark se ha convertido en una de las historias más emocionantes de conocer a esta criatura mítica. En agosto de 2022, Mark, su esposa y su hija pequeña fueron al bosque después de comprar en el mercado local de agricultores. Iban a disfrutar de la naturaleza y pasar tiempo lejos del bullicio de la ciudad.

Sin embargo, cuando la hija de Mark corrió a jugar entre los árboles, un fuerte grito llamó la atención de los padres y corrieron hacia su hija.

Allí, sentada en un tronco, la niña estaba en compañía de una criatura alta y peluda. Mark describe a la criatura como bípeda cubierta de pelo marrón y, a pesar de su impresionante estatura, parecía bastante pacífica e incluso juguetona.

"Es casi como si una pareja jugara imitadores, ambos se turnaban para inclinar la cabeza y rascarse las mejillas", recuerda Mark, describiendo el extraño espectáculo que se presentó ante sus ojos. "[Estaba emitiendo] gruñidos bajos, como si se estuviera riendo".

La impactante reunión terminó tan abruptamente como comenzó. Cuando la niña vio a sus padres cerca, corrió hacia ellos y Bigfoot, mirándolos, desapareció en el bosque.

A pesar del testimonio de la familia, muchos reaccionaron con escepticismo a su historia. Sin embargo, para Mark y su familia, Fue un momento inolvidable que nunca olvidarán.

Noticias originales

A dad has revealed he found his young daughter "playing with Bigfoot happily" as his family had a picnic in their favourite forest.

Mark, who chose to share his story anonymously, lives with his wife Jenny and daughter Lily in a quiet mountain town in northern California and on August 2, 2022, decided they'd all head for a picnic.

Mark said the day started off as normal as they visited the farmers' market earlier in the day to get ingredients for their picnic lunch, before loading the wicker basket and heading for the forest.

After about 15 minutes they were about to start lunch when Jenny heard a "blood-curdling scream" from the forest. The parents rushed to Lily to see if everything was okay when they saw their daughter sitting happily by a tree log. "She seemed completely relaxed and content but next to her was an enormous hairy creature that was easily seven or eight feet tall even while crouching," Mark recounted.

The parents' hearts dropped at the sight of the alleged beast which had a "stocky build and covered in brown hair" and through the "long tangled hair covering its face, two dark intelligent eyes peered out". Mark was gripped by the urge to run to Lily, but the "rational part of his brain stopped him" and warned any sudden movement could "provoke the unpredictable creature".

Jenny was filled with fear also and cried out for Lily, who is said to have just sat there without alarm. "She was sitting happily while mimicking the slow, smooth motions the creature made with its long arms," Mark said. "It's almost like the pair were playing a game of copycat, both tilting their heads and scratching their cheeks in turn."

Mark stared in astonishment as he tried to comprehend the surreal situation as the alleged creature made "low rumbling grunts as if laughing while it copied Lily's clapping and foot stomping".

"When Lily finally registered her mum's panicked cries she promptly stood up, gave a friendly wave goodbye to her new playmate and came skipping casually back over to the picnic blanket," the story went on, adding the animal fixed its gaze on Mark and Jenny before breaking eye contact and retreating back into the thick forest.

On the way home Lily is said to have spoken about her new friend and her parents "pressed her" for more details on the encounter. Lily said she had been picking up pinecones when she heard a snuffling noise behind her, turning to find what looked like a "great big puppy" watching her from the bushes.

Lily said she could tell right away the animal was "nice", describing how they began copying each other in a game. She said she wished she could have stroked the said beast's hair before her parents called her back.


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