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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34949 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1183 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2821, otros 10890 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 320 versiones.

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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1717406180
Añadido Lun, 03/06/2024
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
Феникс, AZ
Estados Unidos

Phoenix, Arizona, 5 de junio de 2005

La siguiente declaración de presentación fue proporcionada Pory / NAWFAL93:

Me encontré con este video. La calidad es baja, pero parece interesante. No puedo encontrar más información sobre esto. ¿Alguien ha visto esto antes? ¿Crees que es falso?

Noticias originales

Pheonix Arizona , June 5th 2005.

The following submission statement was provided by u/NAWFAL93:

I came across this video. The quality is low, but it looks interesting. I can't find more information about it. Has anyone seen it before? Do you think it is fake?


[DEBUNKED] Koi UFO Video 087 appears to show a ring of lights in the night sky above some trees, with lights appearing to fly in and out the ring formation. The video has a caption indicating it was filmed in Phoenix (Arizona) on 5th June 2005.

The video was posted in 2005 and gained considerable publicity, including via the website.  The publicity prompted supportive comments from various ufologists and video editing experts, including David Sereda (famous for his analysis of NASA "UFO" videos).

In fact, Brian Bessent confessed in 2006 that he had hoaxed the video.  He posted a diatribe on his website about the gullibility of the UFO community. He explained that he hoaxed UFO videos to make money and that this was very easy to do.  He referred, in particular, to his use of the "Bryce" animation software plus "stoner techniques", which involved him getting stoned before filming. Apart from getting stoned before making his videos, he referred to getting stoned using the money he made from his videos - commenting that he "made thousands and bought hella dank .. and bongs shit i smoked so much i think i nearly died ... all thanks to rense!".

Brian Bessent commented that "making money off UFOs requires no talent other than a slightly higher intelligence than that of your intended market".


Brian Bessent's 2005 (hoaxed) video was supported by various ufologists at the time (including David Sereda - famous for his analysis of NASA "UFO" videos). Given that we have the benefit of a confession of the hoax, it's probably a bit unkind to laugh at some of the pretty pathetic reasons put forward at the time for rejecting the hoax hypothesis.

We now know that Brian Bessent confessed in 2006 that he had hoaxed the video.

He posted a diatribe on his website about the gullibility of the UFO community. He explained that he hoaxed UFO videos to make money and that this was very easy to do. He referred, in particular, to his use of the "Bryce" animation software plus "stoner techniques", which involved him getting stoned before filming.

Apart from getting stoned before making his videos, he referred to getting stoned using the money he made from his videos - commenting that he "made thousands and bought hella dank .. and bongs [expletive] i smoked so much i think i nearly died ... all thanks to rense!".

Brian Bessent commented that "making money off UFOs requires no talent other than a slightly higher intelligence than that of your intended market".


Lista de versiones que contienen características que coinciden con las descripciones de testigos o evidencia material


El montaje en la fotografía comenzó a usarse casi inmediatamente después la aparición de la técnica de fotografía. Se subdividían en técnicas de fotomontaje sin manipulación de imágenes después de recibir la foto e retoque la foto en sí o su negatividad (placa, película, etc.)


Verificación de versiones, su confirmación o refutación. Información adicional, notas durante el estudio de los materiales.

Al final resultó que, el propio autor admitió que esta grabación era falsa.

De hecho, en 2006, Brian Bessent admitió haber falsificado el video. En su página web publicó un discurso acusatorio sobre la credulidad de la comunidad OVNI. Explicó que estaba falsificando videos de Ovnis para ganar dinero y que era muy fácil de hacer. En particular, mencionó su uso del software de animación "Bryce" y las "técnicas de Stoning". Brian Bessent observó que"no se necesita talento para ganar dinero con Ovnis, excepto una inteligencia ligeramente superior a la de su mercado previsto".

Sin embargo, este sitio no funciona en este momento, y el dominio se vende, por lo que no funcionará al 100%. 


La explicación más probable. La versión, confirmada por la investigación


El montaje en la fotografía comenzó a usarse casi inmediatamente después la aparición de la técnica de fotografía. Se subdividían en técnicas de fotomontaje sin manipulación de imágenes después de recibir la foto e retoque la foto en sí o su negatividad (placa, película, etc.)

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