ID | #1538734488 |
Добавлен | пт, 05/10/2018 |
Автор | July N. |
Источники | |
Феномены | |
Состояние | Факт
Исходная информация
Луис Бургос пишет: «У нашего коллеги Макси Алмады прошлым вечером был замечательный опыт со светящимся объектом, когда он выехал в Брандсден (провинция Буэнос-Айрес) в 21:20».
Свидетель направился центру города Брандсден с фермы своего отца. Всего несколько метров (около 10 метров) он успел проехать после ворот, когда увидел очень свет, движущийся позади автомобиля, отраженный в лобовом стекле. Свилетель посмотрел в левое зеркало заднего вида, где заметил маленький светящийся объект, пролетевший рядом перед тем как исчезнуть.
«Я решил позвонить моему отцу, расспрашивая его в страхе, не светил ли он мне фонариком вслед и не видел ли мотоцикл. Он сказал, что никого не было позади меня и у него не было фонарика, отметив, что видел как «свет спустился с неба».
Оригинальная новость
Argentina: Luminous Probe over Brandsden (Buenos Aires Province)
Luis Burgos writes: "Our colleague Maxi Almada had a remarkable experience last night with a luminous probe as he left his country home in Brandsden (Buenos Aires Province at 21:20 hours. This is his story:
"Good evening, friends. I am uploading a draft report of the situation I experienced today around 21:20 hours. This took place in Coronel Brandsden, Province of Buenos Aires. I was on my way to work as an administrative guard from my father's property, who was about to open the cattle gate. We were chatting until we reached said location, about one hundred meters from the house. I waved at him, blew my horn from the car and headed toward downtown Brandsden along the unpaved rural Roade. Only a few meters after leaving the cattle gate - I estimate some 10 meters) I saw a very small light moving behind the car reflected in my windshield. I froze at the situation and hesitated, but I looked at my left rear view mirror only to see the small light pass right beside me before vanishing.
"Upon reaching the corner (questioning the situation and still petrified) I decided to phone my father, asking him in fear if there was a motorcycle coming in the distance or if he had shined a flashlight at me. He said that there was no one behind me and that he had no flashlight, noting that "the light had descended from the sky."
"He remarked that he was closing the cattle gate when he saw the light descend (a powerful light, in his opinion) and descend with landing or stopping. It followed the car, only to disappear.
"I got in touch with Luis Burgos immediately and alerted the FAO via Facebook and WhatsApp.
"I'm submitting a simple map of the event area."
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