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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1555416042
Добавлен вт, 16/04/2019
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
База ВВС Элсворт
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Вскоре после наступления темноты на радиолокационную станцию ​​командования противовоздушной обороны на ВВС Эллсворта, расположенную к востоку от Рапид-Сити, поступил звонок. Женщина-наблюдатель в Блэк-Хоук, примерно в 10 милях к западу от Эллсворта, сообщила об очень ярком свечении на горизонте, далеко на северо-востоке. Радар сканировал область на западе, работая на реактивном истребителе в некоторых тренировочных патрулях, но когда они получили отчет, они переместили секторный скан в северо-восточный сектор. В том месте, где женщина сообщила, что должен быть свет, была цель.

Прапорщик, который был дежурным на ночь изучал цель в течение нескольких минут. Он знал, как погода может повлиять на радар, но эта цель была четко очерченной, твердой и яркой. Казалось, она движется, но очень медленно. Он вызвал показания высоты, и человек на радиолокаторе для определения высоты проверил прицел. У него также была цель на высоте 16 000 футов.

Прапорщик взял трубку и попросил центр соединить его с наблюдателем. Они это сделали, и два человека сравнивали записи о положении НЛО в течение нескольких минут. Но прямо в середине предложения дама внезапно остановилась и взволнованно сказала: «Он начинает двигаться, он ​​движется на юго-запад к Рапиду».

Диспетчер посмотрел на свой прицел: цель начала набирать скорость и двигаться на юго-запад. Он закричал двум своим людям, чтобы они выбежали на улицу и посмотрели. Через секунду или две один из них крикнул в ответ, что они оба могут видеть большой голубовато-белый свет, движущийся к Рапид-Сити. Диспетчер посмотрел на свой прицел, цель двигалась в сторону Рапид-сити. Когда все три стороны наблюдали за светом и продолжали вести непрерывный перекрестный разговор описания, НЛО быстро обошел вокруг Рапид-Сити и вернулся в исходное положение на небе.

Прапорщик вызвал пилота F-84, находившегося в боевом воздушном патрулировании к западу от базы, и велел ему подготовиться к перехвату. Он привел пилота к югу от базы и дал ему корректировку курса, которая вывела его на свет, который был еще на 16 000 футах. К этому времени пилот уже заметил его. Он сделал поворот, и когда он приблизился к цели примерно в 3 милях, она начала двигаться. Диспетчер увидел, что она начала двигаться, наблюдатель увидел, что она начала двигаться, и пилот увидел, что она начала двигаться - все одновременно. Теперь не было никаких сомнений, что все они наблюдали за одним и тем же объектом.

НЛО быстро набрал скорость и начал подниматься, направляясь на север, но F-84 оказался прямо на хвосте. Пилот заметил, что свет становится ярче, и сообщил диспетчеру об этом.

Однако всегда был предел того, насколько близко может летать самолет. Диспетчер сказал, что у НЛО был какой-то автоматический предупреждающий радар, связанный с его источником питания. Когда что-то приближалось к нему, он автоматически набирал скорость и уходил. Расстояние разделения всегда оставалось около 3 миль.

Погоня продолжалась и на севере.

Когда НЛО и F-84 были около 120 миль к северу, пилот проверил топливо и выяснил, что должен был вернуться. 

НЛО улетел за пределы видимости радаров и направился в сторону Фарго (штат Северная Дакота), поэтому диспетчер позвонил в Фарго, чтобы выяснить были ли у них какие-либо сообщения о неопознанных огнях. Диспеччер ответил отрицательно, но через несколько минут перезвонил. Посты наблюдателей на линии юго-запад-северо-восток в нескольких милях к западу от Фарго сообщили о быстром, ярком голубовато-белом свете.

Оригинальная новость

I first heard about the sighting about two o’clock on the morning of August 11, 1953, when Max Futch called me from ATIC. A few minutes before, a wire had come in carrying a priority just under that reserved for flashing the word the U.S. has been attacked. Max had been called over to ATIC by the OD to see the report, and he thought that I should see it. I was a little hesitant to get dressed and go out to the base, so I asked Max what he thought about the report. His classic answer will go down in UFO history, “Captain,” Max said in his slow, pure Louisiana drawl, “you know that for a year I’ve read every flying saucer report that’s come in and that I never really believed in the things.” Then he hesitated and added, so fast that I could hardly understand hini, “But you should read this wire.” The speed with which he uttered this last statement was in itself enough to convince me. When Max talked fast, something was important.

A half hour later I was at ATIC – just in time to get a call from the Pentagon. Someone else had gotten out of bed to read his copy of the wire.

I used the emergency orders that I always kept in my desk and caught the first airliner out of Dayton to Rapid City, South Dakota. I didn’t call the 4602nd because I wanted to investigate this one personally. I talked to everyone involved in the incident and pieced together an amazing story.

Shortly after dark on the night of twelfth, the Air Defense Command radar station at Ellsworth AFB, just east of Rapid City, had received a call from the local Ground Observer Corps filter center. A lady spotter at Black Hawk, about 10 miles west of Ellsworth, had reported an extremely bright light low on the horizon, off to the northeast. The radar had been scanning an area to the west, working a jet fighter in some practice patrols, but when they got the report they moved the sector scan to the northeast quadrant There was a target exactly where the lady reported the light to be. The warrant officer who was the duty controller for the night, told me that he’d studied the target for several minutes. He knew how weather could affect radar but this target was well defined, solid, and bright.” It seemed to be moving, but very slowly. He called for an altitude reading, and the man on the height-finding radar checked his scope. He also had the target – it was at 16.000 feet.

The warrant officer picked up the phone and asked the filter center to connect him with the spotter. They did, and ihe two people compared notes on the UFO’s position for several minutes. But right in the middle of a sentence the lady suddenly stopped and excitedly said, “It’starting to move – it’s moving southwest toward Rapid.”

The controller looked down at his scope and the target was beginning to pick up speed and move southwest. He yelled at two of his men to run outside and take a look. In a second or two one of them shouted back that they could both see a large bluish-white light moving toward Rapid City. The controller looked down at his scope, the target was moving toward Rapid City. As all three parties watched the light and kept up a steady cross conversation of the description, the UFO swiftly made a wide sweep around Rapid City and returned to its original position in the sky.

A master sergeant who had seen and heard the happenings told me that in all his years of duty – combat radar operations in both Europe and Korea – he’d never been so completely awed by anything. When the warrant officer had yelled down at him and asked him what he thought they should do, he’d just stood there. “After all,” he told me, “what in hell couldf we do – they’re bigger than all of us.”

But the warrant officer did do something. He called to the F-84 pilot he had on combat air patrol west of the base and told him to get ready for an intercept. He brought the pilot around south of the base and gave him a course correction thai would take him riglit into the light. which was still at 16.000 feet. By this time the pilot had it spotted. He made the turn, and when he closed to within about 3 miles of the target, it began to move. The controller saw it begin to move, the spotter saw it begin to move and the pilot saw it begin to move – all at the same time There was now no doubt that all of them were watching the same object.

Once it began to move, the UFO picked up speed fast and started to climb, heading north, but the F-84 was right on its tail. The pilot would notice that the light was getting brighter, and he’d call the controller to tell him about it. But the controller’s answer would always be the same, “Roger, we can see it on the scope.”

There was always a limit as to how near the jet could get, however. The controller told me that it was just as if the UFO had some kind of an automatic warning radar linked to its power supply. When something got too close to it, it would automatically pick up speed and pull away. The separation distance always remained about 3 miles.

The chase continued on north out of sight of the lights of Rapid City and the base – into some very black night.

When the UFO and the F-84 got about 120 miles to the north, the pilot checked his fuel; he had to come back. And when I talked to him, be said he was damn glad that he was running out of fuel because being out over some mighty desolate country alone with a UFO can cause some worry.

Both the UFO and the F-84 had gone off the scope, but in a few minutes the jet was back on, heading for home. Then 10 or 15 miles behind it was the UFO target also coming back.

While the UFO and the F-84 were returning to the base – the F-84 was planning to land – the controller received a call from the jet interceptor squadron on the base. The alert pilots at the squadron had heard the conversations on their radio and didn’t believe it. “Who’s nuts up there?” was the comment that passed over the wire from the pilots to the radar people. There was an F-84 on the line ready to scramble, the man on the phone said, and one of the pilots, a World War II and Korean veteran, wanted to go up and see a flying saucer. The controller said, “OK, go.”

In a minute or two the F-84 was airborne and the controller was working him toward the light. The pilot saw it right away and closed in. Again the light began to climb out, this time more toward the northeast. The pilot also began to climb, and before long the light, which at first had been about 30 degrees above his horizontal line of sight, was now below him. He nosed the ’84 down to pick up speed, but it was the same old story – as soon as he’d get within 3 miles of the UFO, it would put on a burst of speed and stay out ahead.

Even though the pilot could see the light and hear the ground controller telling him that he was above it, and alternately gaining on it or dropping back, he still couldn’t believe it – there must be a simple explanation He turned off all of his lights – it wasn’t a reflection from any of the airplane’s lights because there it was. A reflection from a ground light, maybe. He rolled the airplane – the position of the light didn’t change. A star – he picked out three bright stars near the light and watched carefully. The UFO moved in relation to the three stars. Well, he thought to himself, if it’s a real object out there, my radar should pick it up too; so he flipped on his radar-ranging gun-sight. In a few seconds the red light on his sight blinked on – something real and solid was in front of him. Then he was scared. When I talked to him, he readily admitted that he’d been scared. He’d met MD 109’s, FW 190’s and ME 262’s over Germany and he’d met MIG-15’s over Korea but the large, bright, bluish-white light had scared – he asked the controller if he could break off the intercept

This time the light didn’t corne back.

What he UFO went off the scope it was headed toward Fargo, North Dakota, so the controller called the Fargo filter center. “Had they had any reports of unidentified lights?” he asked. They hadn’t.

But in a few minutes a call came back. Spotter posts on a southwest- northeast line a few miles west of Fargo had reported a fast-moving, bright bluish-white light.

This was an unknown – the best..

The sighting was thoroughly investigated, and I could devote pages of detail on how we looked into every facet of the incident; but it will suffice to say that in every facet we looked into we saw nothing. Nothing but a big question mark asking what was it.

Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
Former Director, Project Blue Book


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