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Круги на поле и иные формации. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1598970940
Добавлен вт, 01/09/2020
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
13.07.1969 23:00
Ван Хорн, IA
Соединённые Штаты Америки

The following incident was investigated by Field Investigator Glenn Mc- Wane and member LeRoy Latham. The aerial photograph accompanying this report was furnished by Mr. Mcwane. The initial interview was obtained by Mr. Latham, and later Mr. Warren Barr, who owns the property involved, declined to allow his daughter Kathy to be interviewed further. On the night of the 13th of July pat Barr and her 17-year-old cousin Kathy Mahr were preparing for bed in the upstairs bedroom at the Barr farm home, 7.2 miles south of Garrison, Iowa.

Pat’s attention was caught by the sound of what seemed to be a low-flying jet and she went to the north window and looked out in the direction of a neighboring farm. She called to her cousin and both girls watched a strange object which appeared to be hovering over a large bean field on the Barr farm, Kathy’s description is as follows:

The object had a dull metallic finish which was easily discerned because of the two rows of lights that were arranged across the face of it at the midline. It appeared like two coffee saucers” placed rim to rim and rotated as it hovered. The sighting lasted for only a few seconds, after which the object left at such high speed that the girls did not know precisely which direction it went, except that it went past their window. The area where it had hovered was glowing red after the object disappeared from sight. Neither of the girls was frightened but were curious about the strange-appearing craft.

At breakfast the next day the girls told the Barrs about what they had seen and Mr. Barr tended to be skeptical and attributed the whole thing to “a figment of their imagination.” However, Later that morning he discovered, at the spot indicated by the girls, a nearly circular patch of ground in his bean field which was almost bare. The bean vines appeared to have been burned although there was no evidence of flame.

The area in the field which was “burned’ ‘is approximately 40 feet in diameter and was easily seen from the air. The local news media showed interest in the incident and a taped interview with the Barr girl’s which was played on a local radio station. Most of the residents seemed inclined to attribute the spot to a “fireball” or lightning. Mr. Barr does not rule out lightning entirety, and when interviewed said that he hadn’t informed authorities at first because he was skeptical.  pat Barr stated that she was convinced that the object she had seen had caused the damage to the bean crop and that it was an “air-flying object from outer space.”

It “wasn’t anything earthly,’, she said Mr. Barr told interviewers that he “would hesitate to guess,, at the object’s identity and the cause of the scar on the field, but did say that he felt it was “something unusual – I’ll put it that way.” Samples of the bean vines from inside the circle, near the outside, and from elsewhere in the field were gathered by Mcwane and are now being examined by an APRO consultant.

As in the past, there is a likelihood that the bean vines will furnish a clue to what happened, but the tests must be made anyway,  Tests for radiation at the site revealed nothing abnormal, and similar tests of the vine samples were also negative.

Старшеклассница пригласила свою кузену [косметолога] в гости на ночевку. Две молодые женщины еще не спали, когда услышали звук снаружи. Выглянув в окно, они увидели объект над полем через дорогу. Это было меньше чем в миле от них. 

Объект выглядел как серый металлический диск, не светящийся, но с оранжево-красной полосой света по окружности. Этот свет позволял девочкам ясно видеть форму: «неглубокая перевернутая миска с изогнутым дном». 

Объект был «чистым» [без выступов и отдельных огней]. Объект летел прямо над фермерским домом, его колебания сотрясали окна спальни. [Родители уже спали и не проснулись]. 

Девочки почувствовали, что диск был «размером с автомобиль» и вращался против часовой стрелки, поднимаясь и уплывая.

На следующее утро они рассказали родителям одной девочки о том, что произошло, но им не поверили. 

В то утро, однако, отец гулял по полю и наткнулся на круг высохшего урожая сои диаметром сорок футов (12,1 м), которого раньше там не было. Это место было не только «идеальным» кругом, но и подходящим местом для наблюдения НЛО. 

Пораженный урожай выглядел так: «все листья каждого растения свисали со стеблей увядшими», как если бы, как предположил полевой исследователь НЛО, «они подверглись сильному нагреву». 

По всей видимости, пятно было результатом "почти приземления", а не фактического приземления, поскольку растения не были сломаны и раздавлены. 

Сделан прекрасный аэрофотоснимок этого круга, который прилагается к настоящему отчету (не опубликован). 

Следователь APRO делал фотографии и пробы почвы, а Уолт Андрус из MUFON/APRO брал интервью у дочери [единственное раннее интервью кузины было проведено журналистами]. Как это было почти всегда, APRO "упустила мяч" при анализе образцов и сообщила только, что растения были сухими, сморщенными и не радиоактивными. 

Доктор Дж. Аллен Хайнек даже посетил это место, и позже его процитировали:

«Я до сих пор не знаю, что это за штука… Похоже, что большой обогреватель держали на высоте шести футов над землей».

Соседи семьи рассказали, что в тот вечер их собаки шумели. 

Ван Хорн считается одним из лучших случаев «приземления» в истории. Это потому, что у него есть несколько свидетелей, немедленное подтверждение следа кем-то, кто точно знал состояние полей его фермы, отсутствие стремления к гласности [фактически родитель, который заблокировал почти все это], отсутствие мотивации [фактически, потеря ценного урожая], многочисленные первые следователи с хорошей репутацией и довольно большой и загадочный эффект. По некоторым шкалам оценки  случаев это может быть №1.

Оригинальная новость

Date: July 13, 1969
Location: Van Horne, IA
Time: 11:00 PM. 
Summary: A high school girl was having her cousin [a beautician] over for a visit and a sleep-over. The two young women were still up when they heard a sound outside. Looking out their window, they saw an object above the field across the road. It was less than a mile away. The thing appeared to be a gray metallic disk, non-luminous, but with a orange-red band of light around the circumference. This light enabled the girls to see the shape clearly: like “a shallow inverted bowl with a curved bottom”. The object was “clean” [no protrusions nor individual lights]. The object came directly over the farmhouse, its vibrations rattling the bedroom windows. [The parents were asleep already and did not awaken]. The girls felt that the disk was “the size of an automobile” and was rotating counter-clockwise as it rose and sailed away. The next morning they told the one girl’s parents what had happened but were not believed. That morning however, the father was out walking the fields and came across a forty foot diameter circle of dried out soybean crop, which had not previously been there. This area was not only a “perfect” circle but in the proper location for the sighting of the UFO. The appearance of the affected crop was “all of the leaves of each plant were hanging wilted from the stalks” as if, the UFO field researcher hypothesized, “they had been subjected to intense heat”. The spot was apparently the result of a “near-landing” rather than an actual touch-down, as the plants were not broken off nor crushed. A fine aerial photo of this circle has been made and is attached to this report. The UFO community was on the scene relatively early, with the APRO investigator taking the photos and soil samples, and Walt Andrus of MUFON/APRO interviewing the daughter [the only early interview of the cousin was by news persons]. As was almost universally the case APRO dropped the ball on the analysis of the samples and reported only that the plants were dry, shriveled, and not radioactive.  Dr. J. Allen Hynek even visited the site and was later quoted: “I still don’t know what the hell this thing is all about… It looked as though a big heater had been held six feet above the ground”. Neighbors of the family contributed the remarks that their dogs were making a racket that evening. Van Horne stands as one of the best “landing effects” cases on record. This is because it has multiple witnesses, an immediate corroberation of the trace by someone who knew exactly the state of his farm fields, no desire for publicity [in fact a parent who blocked almost all of it], no motivation [in fact, a loss of valuable crop], multiple, early-on-scene investigators with good track records for straight-shooting, and a fairly large and mysterious effect. On some scales of rating “trace” cases, this might be #1.
Source: Mike Swords; References: a). APRO UFO Report Form (case field investigation), undated but c. September 1969 (Hynek/CUFOS files); “Saucer Near Landing In Iowa”, SKYLOOK #23, October 1969; “UFO Over Iowa Bean Field”, APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969: Kevin Randle, “The Iowa UFO Landings”, Official UFO Fall 1976; [news note] DATA-NET V(9): September 1971; Al Swegle, “Sight UFO Over Benton County Farm”, Cedar Rapids Gazette, August 15, 1969.




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