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НЛО. Канада

ID #1622569802
Добавлен вт, 01/06/2021
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 

(имя удалено - второй свидетель) и я сидел снаружи и разговаривал. Я посмотрел в небо в сторону Большой Медведицы и заметил около 10-15 светящихся объектов, движущихся в плавном темпе в виде неорганизованной буквы «V». 

Как только я заметил объекты, у меня было достаточно времени, чтобы сказать (имя удалено) после заикания. (Имя удалено) посмотрел в том направлении, на которое я указывал, вскочил и подошел к забору, где мы оба наблюдали, как объекты исчезают, двигаясь на север. 

Эти объекты в форме яйца в оранжево-желтом свечении двигались слишком быстро и были слишком близко друг к другу, чтобы быть обычными самолетами. Не было ни звука, ни мигающих огней, указывающих на то, что это было сделано руками человека. 

Мы не решались связываться с вами, но после просмотра фотографий в «Ньюбери» Объекты в форме яйца Онтарио - фотографии, размещенная на вашем веб-сайте после создания наших собственных рисунков, мы были ошеломлены тем, что сделанные фотографии были похожи на наши собственные интерпретации. 

Это произошло около 21:37 в пятницу, 9 апреля 2004 г. Мы оба пришли и сделали свои собственные наброски, подписанные и датированные. Большое спасибо свидетелям за их отчет.

Оригинальная новость

Date: November 15 2003
Location: Bournemouth England
Time: 21:00
Summary: I have been fascinated by the subject of U.F.O.s since i was a small child, i’m 24 now. Around october time of 2003 i happened to have a sighting. It was probably around 9pm -9:30. I was walking back from the shops to the block of flats where i lived with my mother at the time, when an egg shaped object flew above me. It moved without sound, point forwards, with a tail of light (maybe as long as the craft itself), south-east-south over the road and disappeared above the flats where i lived. There are a number of variables that make this sighting hard to describe. Its speed, i suppose, could be comparable to the speed of a jet plane when viewed from the ground, namely very slow but if this thing was flying at the same height as a plane then it was about the size of a football feild. You see the problem. If i make a guess at size, speed, or altitude then all other factors have to change accordingly. Added to this is the fact that it happened two years ago and it was a clear night (no clouds = no frame of reference). If i had to guess though i would say it was moving at around ten miles an hour and was the size of a school bus, maybe 75ft high. My second problem is in actually describing the object itself. As i have already said it was egg shaped flying silently point forwards with a tail of light following behind it. It was the way it was lit that is hard to describe. It was seemingly lit from with, white/orange and white/yellow but it was not transparent. Maybe a better description would be than it seemed to be superheated. Its my opinion that most of us, even those who want to believe are completely grounded in reality and not really well equipped to deal with events dubbed paranormal. I don’t mean to say that we panic but that we have a hard time with acceptance. maybe that’s just me. As a result i have spent the last two years half doubting what i saw. You have to wonder how many people experience such things yet don’t report them out of just such scepticism or fear of ridicule. Luckily i have faced no ridicule but i have faced incredulity from the people i have told. I cant blame them for this, i doubted myself after all. This morning came like a wake up call. What i saw was no conventional aircraft, it was not swampgrass, venus, or streetlight reflecting of duck buts and pardon the expression but if that was a comet or meteor then we would all be fucked right now. What i saw was something else. In the spirit of exploration i have spent this morning surfing the net trying to find similar accounts. Incidentally my mother is going to go nuts. I can see another phone bill coming in with £90 internet charges this quarter. Still i’m the one that has to pay them. Anyway. Back to the story. I came across this report: Occurred : 4/9/2004 21:37 (Entered as : 04/09/2004 21:37) Location: Not Given (Canada), ON Shape: Egg Duration: Approx 20 seconds Egg shaped (dark orange on inside, light orange/yellow on outside). Shape of objects: egg shaped (dark orange on inside, light orange/yellow on outside) Full Description of event/sighting: (name deleted – second witness) and I were sitting outside talking. I looked up into the sky towards the Big Dipper and noticed around 10-15 glowing objects moving at a fluent pace in a unorganized ‘V’ shape. Once I noticed the objects, I had enough time to tell (name deleted) after stuttering. (Name deleted) looked in the direction that I was pointing to and jumped up and walked over to the fence, where we both watched the objects disappear moving North. These egg shaped objects in an orange/yellow glow were moving too fast and were too close together to be regular aircrafts. There was no sound at all and no flashing lights to indicate it was man-made. We were hesitant to contact you, but after viewing pictures in the “Newbury, Ontario Egg Shaped Objects- photos” link placed on your website after sketching our own drawings we were stunned that the photos taken were similar to our own interpretations. The sighting took place around 9:37 p.m. Friday, April 9, 2004. We both came in and did our own rough sketches that are signed and dated. My many thanks to the witnesses for their report. rian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Phone 250 845 2189 email: hbccufo@telus.net <mailto:hbccufo@telus.net> Website: <http://www.hbccufo.com> Your site is probably the best i have come across so far. If you should decide to post this report i would be grateful if you could leave my contact details as they are. If anyone has had a similar experience or witnessed the same event and would like to get in touch with me i would be very grateful to you. I wrote this report yesterday for a separate site but am trying to get it posted on as many sites as possible. Since then i have figured out by reading other peoples reports that this type of ship changes color according to the speed it is flying. At high speeds it appears to be a dark red. This fades to orange and then yellow as it slows down. (my sighting was mostly yellow which fits in with the slow speed)
Source: NUFORC


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