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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1624093128
Добавлен сб, 19/06/2021
Автор July N.

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Соединённые Штаты Америки

Думаю, я смог поймать самый первый проблеск того, как выглядит движущая сила НЛО Сферы вблизи. 

Фактическое видео самого Орба кажется довольно типичным для миллиардов во всем Интернете, но увеличение масштаба показывает некоторые детали, которые я никогда не видел ни на одной фотографии или видео где-либо в Интернете. 

Вы можете поделиться этими ссылками, чтобы каждый, кто видел одну из них, мог получить представление о том, как они могут выглядеть при увеличении. Более подробное описание находится под видео.

Оригинальная новость

Date: December 8 2014
Location: Orange County, Colorado
Summary: I think I may have captured the very first glimpse of what the Orb UFO’s propulsion looks like up close. The actual video of the Orb itself appears quite typical of the billions all over the internet, but the zoom in is showing some detail I have not ever seen in any photo still or video anywhere on the internet. You might want to share these links so everyone who has seen one of these, can get a glimpse of what these might look like when zoomed up close.  A longer description is below the videos.

Link 2 long



I can't wrap my brain around how this looks zoomed out VS zoomed super close it looks like something that's alive/biological. I was floored when I played this back on the computer. It passed right over the roof with the recorder in my hand I NEVER could have had time to get this on video otherwise. The timing couldn't have been better. I couldn't wait to drop it in the video editor. It was moving fast, so I didn't have the luxury to take my time, I just tried to keep it in the viewfinder & for a moment began to zoom out a little, you will notice it looks sort of blue-ish purple, but then thought I'd better hurry up & zoom in to try to get some detail of what these look like up close & OMG I GOT IT!! I literally held my breath for the zoom until it was just too far away. I've seen a lot of UFO videos but have not yet seen any that reveal this same detail. Since the focus was set to auto, I was able to get some vivid detail. The raw original is 1.28 long. The first few sec's I lost from looking at it in wonder of WHAT it was & how near/far away it was. I saw a UFO the night B4 (on 12/7/14) but it was very distant, like a gliding star. Probably too far away to capture let alone locate on the screen. I decided since I saw that, to head outside the following evening to sky watch. I walked outside, propped up the tripod, opened the screen & looked straight up. At that very moment, this thing passed right over the rooftop, moving in front/ahead of me as it got father away. I already had the settings adjusted to the max zoom (25x). This sighting was December 8, 2014 at 6:36 PM Coming from the direction of the ocean a few miles away going towards Mission Viejo. It was the sighting June 29, 2014 that I shared with ThirdPhaseOfMoon that really got my attention to put a bit more time into sky watching. (link below) If anyone else spotted this, please share the link with me if you captured it on video. It was moving towards Mission Viejo (but could have changed direction after it was out of view) I do see on the UFO National Reporting website that California is reporting a high number of sightings.


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