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НЛО. Мексика

ID #1675078695
Добавлен пн, 30/01/2023
Автор July N.

Исходная информация

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Дата происшествия: 
21.09.1965 18:00

21 сентября — два дня назад — около 18:00 над Мехико было сообщено о летающей тарелке. Его видели многие люди и описывали как НЛО — намного больше любой звезды — и обладающий характеристиками разноцветной звезды, быстро мчащийся слева направо и играющий в пространстве».

Оригинальная новость

1965: UFOs Over Popocatépetl and an Interesting Map

September 23, 1965

Mexico's El Universal Gráfico goes to press with the banner headline - "Saucers Prowling Around our Mountains" with a map showing the 'saucer route' followed by unidentified objects. The map caption reads "This is the UFO (unidentified flying object) route fixed by the World Astrophysical Investigation Association. Flying saucers remain oddly frequent in the skies over Mexico and later head north."

UFO sightings over the Popocatepetl volcano were no less frequent than they are today. The article written by Angel Marín reads:

Flying saucers over Popocatepetl!

The news was reported to EL UNIVERSAL GRAFICO by a group of hikers, who witnessed three strange luminous forms while on the slopes of El Popo. In a coordinated fashion, they rocked in the heavens over La Malinche, another between this mountain and the Iztaccihuatl, and the third above the three crosses (Las Tres Cruces) on Popocatepetl.

These luminous forms, which went up and down, gathered together and finally vanished in a northerly heading. This maneuver by these three 'mobile stars', flying saucers or UFOs, lasted over half an hour, according to our informers.

Stunned by what they had seen, our informers told us that they are ready to return to the slopes of El Popo, but this time with all elements necessary to capture 'what they saw with their own eyes' on photographic media. It is likely they will not be believed without proof, which is why they are readying themselves for a UFO hunt."

The UFO Route

"The presence of so-called UFOs in Mexican skies is the result of a systematic exploration program by other worlds." This was the statement made by astrologer Aharón Aray Amalia to a reporter from El Universal Gráfico.

Out of a study conducted by stargazers organized as the World Astrophysical Investigation Association, it has been possible to fix a "route' followed by UFOs, and all points to a marked straight line northward.

On September 21st - two days ago - a flying saucer was reported around 1800 hours over Mexico City. It was seen by many people and described as a UFO - much larger than any star - and having the characteristics of a multi-colored star, dashing quickly from left to right and playing in space."


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