ID | #1636407258 |
Añadido | Mar, 09/11/2021 |
Autor | July N. |
Fuentes | |
Fenómenos | |
Estado | Estudio
Datos iniciales
El espeluznante video supuestamente muestra a una figura humanoide mirando a una mujer parada en una tienda de campaña en medio de la noche.
En el clip, que fue publicado en YouTube por el canal MrMBB333, una figura vagamente humana parece estar escondida en una bifurcación de un gran árbol. Un par de puntos brillantes se colocan donde deberían estar los ojos, lo que lleva a las personas a creer que realmente se trata de un animal o una persona distorsionada.
También hubo personas que pensaron que podría haber sido "cryptid", una palabra que denota criaturas sin evidencia concluyente de su existencia, como Bigfoot o el monstruo del Lago Ness.
Esto fue grabado en un campamento en Edenbridge, Kent, aproximadamente a las 3 a.m. después de que una mujer salió de la tienda para investigar el extraño ruido y comenzó a tomar fotos al azar con su Flash para tratar de capturar a la criatura en la oscuridad.
YouTuber dice:
"Aquí en el árbol se puede ver algo que parece fuera de lugar ... se puede decir que no es una rama, no es una hoja, casi tiene la forma del tronco humano".
Él dice que la figura puede estar "abierta a la interpretación" y no sabe qué es.
El video se ha visto más de 66, 000 veces y ha generado controversia acerca de que la extraña figura era el llamado cryptid o "Peeping Tom" en un árbol.
Uno de los espectadores comentó:
"Realmente se siente como un humanoide, puedes ver la cabeza, los hombros, los brazos hacia los lados, con las rodillas hacia el pecho en cuclillas".
Alguien más compartió:
"Mi colega afirma haber visto al hombre polilla. Alrededor de las 21: 00 a más tardar a las 22: 00.
Noticias originales
A creepy video is alleged to show a humanoid figure staring at a woman who is standing outside a tent in the middle of the night.
In the clip, which was shared on YouTube by channel MrMBB333, a vaguely human shape appears to be crouching in the fork of a large tree.
A pair of bright spots are positioned where the eyes would be, making people believe it is indeed some kind of animal or a contorted person.
There were also people who thought it could be a "cryptid" – the word for creatures with no firm evidence to prove they exist such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.
It was recorded at a campsite in Edenbridge, Kent, at around 3 am after the woman left her tent to investigate a strange noise and started taking photos at random with her flash to try and capture the creature in the dark.
The YouTuber says: "You can see something that looks out of place up here in the tree... you can tell that's not a branch, it's not leaves, it almost has the shape of a torso of a human."
He says what the figure could be is "open to interpretation" and he doesn't know what it is.
The video was watched more than 66,000 times and sparked a debate about the strange figure was a so-called cryptid or a "peeping Tom" up a tree.
One viewer commented: "It does look humanoid you can see the head, shoulders, arms out, with knees up to the chest in crouching position."
Someone else shared: "A coworker of mine claims to have seen the moth man. Around 9 pm no later than 10 pm.
"He barely caught a glimpse but was able to notice a lot of human features along with huge bat-like wings."
A third said: "That photo reminds me of some that claim to be photos of the Rake cryptid however, this one looks much more robust."
"Looks like a person with night vision goggles in a tree," argued another viewer.
Someone else reckoned: "I think she caught a picture of a perverted peeping Tom who was watching her.
"Definitely wearing some time of glasses...maybe even night vision, which explains the eye reflection.
"I don't believe it is a cryptid at all."
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