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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


In Roswell, where according to legend in 1947 crashed UFO, a geologist found unusual pieces of metal

Geologist Frank Kimbler claims to have found in Roswell (USA, new Mexico) several very small pieces of metal and that they are probably part of the skin

Silver "tornado" in Ireland

In these nights noctilucent clouds light up the sky all over Europe — from Scandinavia to the South of France.

The brightest of Saturn and strawberry Moon

Today in the sky can observe the opposition of Saturn — the planet is closer, it looks bigger and brighter than at any other time this year. To see Saturn, look to the South at midnight.

Two rare astronomical events

In the night from 27 to 28 July, the inhabitants of almost the entire territory of Russia will be able to watch two rare astronomical events: the most prolonged in a century lunar Eclipse and the c

In the sky over the region has opened "a portal to another world"

The accident scared the "black ring" hovering in the sky over the village of Chara. They assumed it was the aliens, or "portal to another world".

Night glow in the sky of Voronezh took over the ship of aliens

Citizens extremely surprised by a rare natural phenomenon. In the night from 25 to 26 June in the sky above Voronezh photographed a beautiful glow.

In the sky above Perm astronomers have observed noctilucent clouds

25 Jun scientists club "Telescope" has organized the observation of Jupiter, Moon, Saturn and Venus. Just then they happen to see an unusual atmospheric phenomenon in the night sky.

The tiny cloud floated on the road and soared into the sky

The following video was received a few days ago by an unknown motorist in an unknown part of the Earth.

Americans believe in comic news about the Ghost of the wife trump

US first lady Melania trump the comparatively long time did not appear in public, and the world quickly spread rumors that the sexy wife of the 45th American President was seriously ill, died, and

Mystical secrets of the English palaces: the legend of the "haunted homes"

Official science about the phenomenon of ghosts and ghosts absolutely nothing says. All evidence of their existence is automatically considered fake or fiction witnesses.

A resident of Russia found himself on the face "live shot", which were crawling under the skin

This story is very similar to a horror movie. An unnamed 32-year-old resident of Russia suddenly found himself under the eye of the strange seal.

From Kilauea poured a shower of gems

The eruption of the Hawaiian volcano Kilauea has shed a rain of tiny green gems on the streets and beaches of the Big island.


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