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This section contains information about phenomena that are generally believed to have a supernatural, mystical nature, and the very existence of which is currently in doubt.Phenomena Hierarchy

Mysterious substance

Added Mon, 10/02/2020
Область распространения All over the world

This category includes all substances of unknown origin, as of a mystical nature, or just of unknown origin.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomenon in mass culture



In Japanese mythology, there is a belief that many wading birds in old age begin to glow with a blue light and exhale small non-burning balls of the same blue color that are carried away by the wind. the blue fire of the heron does not burn and cannot set fire to anything.

Angel Hair

Angel hair is called a spider-like, cotton-like or gelatinous mass, which sometimes falls to the ground in the form of threads or bundles, and after a few hours evaporates. In the hands of the threads melt or turn into foul-smelling lumps. Their appearance is traditionally associated with UFOs. 

Star jelly

We already have a description of the phenomenon of "angel Hair". The so-called spider mass, which sometimes fall to the ground, and a few hours later evaporates. In the hands of such "hair" melt or turn into stinking lumps. A subspecies of this phenomenon believe (and sometimes they did not share) "Star jelly", a drop-down on the ground (branches, grass, etc.), but having a form not web, down or wool and jelly or slime.

The mystical fog

Fog may accompany the appearance of many phenomena. Also he may look weird. Known as the mists with the "inner glow", green fogs, fogs with clear edges and regular shape, etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The black spot

"Black spot" (La Mancha Negra) — a mysterious black substance emanating from the streets Caracas , Venezuela.

The substance first appeared as a 50-yard-long trail discovered by workers laying a 30-year-old highway between Caracas and its airports.

At first, this did not cause much concern, but soon the spot expanded and covered eight miles of highway. The unknown material grew when the weather was hot and humid, but shrank when it was cold and dry. Despite its elastic texture, the stain made the road extremely dangerous, causing vehicles to crash or fly off the road. 


A viscous substance of mysterious origin, which is released through the nose, ears and other parts of the medium's body. This is the concentration of psychic energy of the medium, which is the basis for the materialization of the spirit.

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