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35225 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2834 of them were solved, another 11033 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


In the skies over Arizona, burned down a large meteorite

Surveillance cameras recorded the fall of the meteorite in the American Phoenix. The footage shows how a celestial body bright lights of the city and Pasat.

In Belarus are faced with the phenomenon of moving stones

Many well-known phenomenon of the moving rocks at the bottom of a dried-up lake Racetrack Playa in America's Death Valley.

Modern smartphones are constantly in the past

On photographs and paintings of the last century, and even earlier centuries periodically find modern mobile devices, which there simply was not to be. And they, those less directly evident.

On Florida beach suddenly turned millions of black snails

On the beach St Petersburg Florida found millions of small black sea snails in elongated basins.

A rare sight: coconut crabs are hunted for the bird

Scientists have removed on video as the thief palm or coconut cancer methodically pursues, kills and eats sea birds. The behavior shocked the researchers intentional attack called savage.

5 phenomena that can be observed only from an airplane window

Expert on atmospheric optical effects Les Cowley shared on the NASA portal several of the most interesting effects that can be observed from an airplane window.

The whole universe in one shot!

The universe is so vast that it seems impossible to fit it all in one image.

Residents of Novosibirsk are faced with an unusual celestial event in the form of pillars of light

Residents of Novosibirsk are faced with an unusual celestial event in the form of pillars of light.

Off the coast of Portugal caught prehistoric shark

A group of scientists working off the coast of one of the regions of Portugal, the Algarve, and studied commercial fishing, noticed an unusual shark, reports BBC.

The US Navy has discovered teleportation UFO in the sky over the Pacific ocean

American sailors found ball-shaped UFO while driving of an aircraft carrier in the Pacific ocean, U.S. media reported, citing representatives of the Navy.

In Google maps, found a real space ship from Star wars

Released in 1997 the movie "Star wars" has surprised not only the performance of the actors and special effects, but really unique details.

Residents of Kilimani scare unidentified glowing object that flew over the area

Last night Chilia public pages in social networks exploded with photos and video of strange flashing object in the sky.


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  • Mundo Ovnis



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