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34925 facts from 176 countries related to 1183 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2818 of them were solved, another 10875 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


Fixed the new disease is similar to bubonic plague: the bodies begin to glow

A disease caused by Photorhabdus asymbiotica, similar in its symptoms to bubonic plague: the body of the patient covered with large ulcers.

234 discovered a potential signal of extraterrestrial civilizations

Canadian astrophysicists have found 234 cases of what they called "unusual periodic spectral modulations in a small proportion of solar-type stars".

The British believed in teleporting Russians

British tabloids and bloggers are actively discussing a movie in which a woman appears in the frame after an unexpected turn traveling on the highway KAMAZ near the village Podamirowo (Bashkiria).

Genetics found in the DNA of a human "Ghost" glow

American genetics from northwestern University announced the discovery of human DNA is unusual glow, which they describe as a "Ghost".

The Australian phenomenon of the appearance of the lights of the min Min is a Mirage

The author is John Pettigrew (John D Pettigrew BSc(Med) MBBS MSc FRS). It was published in March 2003 in the journal of the journal Clinical and Experimental Optometry.

Bald bears in Florida

On 14 January 2003, piavlenie the bald black bears have become commonplace on the Western edge of Florida.

PE – Chupacabra in Oklahoma

The famous American monster Chupacabra seems to have appeared in Oklahoma – residents of a small town in the South of the state claim that a mysterious creature had snuck into their city across the

Scientists have solved the mystery of the Chupacabra

Scientists, apparently, have solved the riddle of a mysterious creature "the Chupacabra", which is decades terrifies the farmers in the us state of Texas. The beast was old, bald coyote.

Kortkerossky Chupacabra has become a "FOMINSKOGO vampire"

According to the newspaper "Tribune", in the forest regions of the Komi goes hunting for the Chupacabra, which has not been seen, but which

In kortkerossky area identified Chupacabra

In the newspaper "the Star" August 21, asked readers, given that the Kortkeros wielding Chupacabra or some merde.

Near Kazan scored with a stick "the creature": beast was the usual St.

In Tatarstan Pestretsy village man with a hockey stick scored "Chupacabra", which last week preyed on poultry, sucking their blood.

Ust-Kulom "creature" turned out to be Wolverine

Bloodsucker who dried up the not one pet, could not eat normally because of the injury.


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