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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1522768777
Added Tue, 03/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Вэлли, AL
United States

This brown UFO in the form of a truncated cone was filmed in the city of Valley (Alabama).


A local radio station and newspaper received six different photos from an anonymous source showing a capsule-shaped UFO hovering over a farm pasture. In the letter accompanying the photos, the source claims to have taken remarkable UFO photos on September 16, 1996 in Valley, Alabama, USA.

According to the photographer, he was repairing a fence on his property when his dog started barking loudly. As he approached the spot where his dog was, he looked up and saw a low-flying capsule-shaped UFO slowly hovering over one of his cow pastures. The UFO captured in each of the photos resembles the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo space capsules launched by the United States in the early years of its space program. The cone-shaped capsule, when inflated from black to dark green, shows a black teflon-like coated bottom and a flange or rim that wraps around the top of the unknown object. 

In each photo, the UFO is shown in a slightly different position and at a height, which makes it difficult to deceive, according to the researchers who studied the photos.

The photos and a copy of the letter were first publicly shown on TV-33 in Lagrange, Georgia, on September 26, 1996. On "Heston and Steve," two presenters, Heston Yates and Steve Smuts, and John C. Thompson and Jimmy Smith, field researchers at the International Society for UFO Research (ISUR), speculated on whether the UFO photos were real. They all agreed that if the photos were part of a prank, it was very strange and clever. Thompson told the program that the photos "made the most favorable impression on him."

Since then, he has also stated that he has two witnesses who saw a UFO of a similar shape in May and July in the Lagrange area, which is just 20 miles from the Valley. Another witness he discovered says he and others incredibly saw the exact vessel 25 years ago in Atlanta.

Smith, a longtime researcher and real-life UFO witness, said the photos looked authentic. He also said that he himself saw a UFO in 1971, similar to what is depicted in the photos. He then revealed that a 1971 UFO turned off the power to his pickup truck while he was watching it.

The photos, along with a copy of the alleged photographer's letter, were sent to Jeff Sainio, a photography expert who specializes in analyzing UFO videos and photographs. Sainio, who often analyzes photos for the popular TV Sightings program, will determine whether the photos actually show a UFO. In the meantime, it is hoped that the person who took these amazing photos will step forward and provide access to the negatives from which the photos were taken. All persons involved in the study of photographs, on television and radio, assure the photographer that, if he wishes, his anonymity will remain.

Original news

A local radio station and newspaper received six different photos from an anonymous source that show a capsule-shape UFO hovering over a farm pasture. In a letter accompanying the photos, the source claims to have taken the remarkable UFO photographs on the 16th of September, 1996, in Valley, Alabama, USA.

According to the photo taker, he was repairing a fence on his property when his dog started barking loudly. Going over to where his dog was, he looked up to see a low-flying capsule-shape UFO hovering and moving slowly over one of his cow pastures. The UFO captured in each of the photos resembles the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo space capsules that the United States launched in the early years of its space program. Black to dark green, the cone-shaped capsule, when blown-up, shows a black Teflon-like covered bottom and a flange or rim that goes around near the top of the unknown object. In each photo, the UFO is shown at a slightly different position and elevation, making it more difficult to hoax, according to researchers who have examined the photographs.

The photos and a copy of the letter were aired publicly for the first time on TV-33 in Lagrange, Georgia on 26 September 1996. On the “Heston & Steve” show, the two hosts, Heston Yates and Steve Smoots, along with John C. Thompson and Jimmy Smith, field investigators for the International Society for Ufo Research (ISUR), speculated about whether the UFO photos are real. All of them agreed that if the photos were part of a hoax, it was a most strange and clever one. Mr. Thompson said on the program that he was “most favorably impressed by the photos.”

He also has stated since then that he has two witnesses who saw similar shaped UFOs in May and July in the LaGrange area which is only 20 miles from Valley. Another witness that he has located, says he and others saw the exact craft, incredibly, 25 years earlier in Atlanta. Mr. Smith, a long-time investigator and actual witness of UFOs, said the photos appeared genuine. He also said that he himself, in 1971, had seen a UFO with a likeness of what the photos depict. He then went on to relate that the 1971 UFO had cut off power to his pickup while he observed it.

The photos, along with a copy of the letter from the alleged photo taker have now been sent to Jeff Sainio, a photography expert who specializes in analyzing UFO videos and photos. Mr. Sainio, who often does photo analysis for the popular TV Sightings program, will determine if the photos really show a UFO. In the meantime, it is hoped that the person who took these amazing photos will step forward and allow access to the negatives that the photos were made from. All persons involved in investigating the photos are assuring the photo taker over TV and radio that if he wishes, his anonymity will be kept.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Rocket launches (from

  • Site: () Vehicle: Shuttle Payload: Atlantis F17 (STS-79)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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