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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1524606815
Added Wed, 25/04/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
United Kingdom

A resident of the English County of Cambridgeshire in the evening of 22 April 2018 took video of two balls, twinkling in the night sky to the West of landbeach, the Studio of a small village in the East of England.

"I went out to smoke before going to sleep, it was about 11 o'clock in the morning, and saw these two ball of fire," - said an eyewitness in the British daily newspaper "Cambridge News".

According to a local resident, one of the balls was white and hung at a height of about 100 meters, and the second was bright orange and hovered just above the tree line.

"Orange ball hovered for five minutes, and then disappeared from sight. The one you see, hovered for 15 minutes. After I took these pictures, he was still there, as long as the strange object began to move, the man thought it was a twinkling star. – Then it slightly went down, went behind a tree and appeared again. It seemed to me that he looks at me."

"I was very scared, I'm not the person who is looking for such things as UFOs. But there's nothing I can think of that would somehow explain what it is. If it was a helicopter or airplane, I would hear the sound of the engine. Perhaps it was a drone, but I'm not sure what he looks like," added the eyewitness.

Mysterious lights over Cambridgeshire were seen for the first time. In August of last year reports of luminous orange ball prompted a group of UFO experts to study the area around the city of Cambridge.

During this study group Chairman Tony Buckingham said: "About 95% of sightings are mistakes or hoaxes ... but some of them boggle the mind and remain unexplained."

The next day, Monday 23 April, a local resident said the "Cambridge News" that last summer she watched the similar "panel lights".

"I saw a similar phenomenon last summer, when heading to the Milton of Cottenham, she said. - It was about 10 PM, and it was a clear night. I saw on the horizon, a crowd of white shiny spots, which disappeared and then reappeared in another part of the horizon."

"I thought it was stars, but then some flew up at an angle. I was so scared. I remember that the next day was told about this at work, but I had no proof, and I just forgot about it. Looking at these pictures, I'm sure it was the same thing," added the witness.

However, after watching the video, Tony Buckingham suggested that it could be Venus, which currently is in the West or the international space station or another satellite.

"I think the most likely explanation is the planet Venus. Last night it was very bright, and it seemed to me, last night it was under way. We have a time and date, location, and orientation are known to us, so we can make a more accurate assessment," said the researcher.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A Cambridgeshire man has shot remarkable footage of what appears to be a UFO hovering in the sky above.

The video, filmed yesterday evening (April 22), shows a ball of light floating above the sky near Landbeach.

It appears to flicker and move.

“I went out for a cigarette before bed, it must have been about 11 o’clock at night, and I saw these two lights," the resident, who did not wish to be identified, said.

"One was roughly 300 ft in the air and white, the other hovering just above the tree line and orange. The orange one hovered for about five minutes before disappearing out of view. The one you can see hovered for at least 15 minutes. It was still there after I got the footage and went back inside.”

He told the News that it was west of Landbeach, and he estimates it was "just two miles away", which means the light would have been hovering almost directly above the river Cam, and eight miles north of Cambridge.

He explained how, at first, he thought it was a star.

“At first I thought it was just a star, until it started moving, but not like anything I’ve seen," he continued.

"It darted around slightly, and went behind a tree before coming out again. It felt like it was staring at me.

“I’m quite spooked, I’m not a person who goes out looking for stuff like UFOs, but I can’t think of anything that would explain it. If it was a helicopter or aeroplane I’d have heard the engine. It could have been a drone, but I just don’t think the light looks right”.


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