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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Ghost. Russia

ID #1528456100
Added Fri, 08/06/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
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An eyewitness account:

In our village, which in my childhood I lived with my parents, but then he grew up, went to the city, happened one day a strange mystical event. When one woman, a resident of the village, on the war in Afghanistan killed a son, she mourned him greatly. Knew that his now will not return, he was buried, but continued for a long time to be sad about it, and occasionally crying. Only because he was with her.

One day she went to her barn for some economic necessity, can the eggs from under the chickens to collect the manure or to clean, you never know what. In the village always work and troubles all enough. Opening the door and entering the barn, she saw in the far corner standing by his son. The son immediately became a very angry, unfriendly to accuse her that she did not give him rest their lamentations and tears. After finishing his monologue, he did not wait for a response from the startled mother, but directly from the corner, from a distance unnaturally stretched arm with a clenched fist so much struck the woman in the head that she fell. And spent some time, quite a long time.

After FILIAL blow, relaxing and recovering, the woman got up and went home. The outcome of her mourning on it or not, I don't know exactly, because I do not see it, and write the story of my sister Lida, who knew this woman well.

I suppose that after this admonition she ceased to grieve about his son. And then suddenly the second time he will come and hit harder, and everyone wants to live, the instinct of the strong life. And the Bible says that the dead can cry only three days.

Author: Victor K.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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