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Ghost. United States

ID #1532803659
Added Sat, 28/07/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Норт-Миртл-Бич, SC
United States

The couple recently visited during his travels of South Carolina, made it mysterious the that deserves the attention of anyone interested in the paranormal.

Johnny Cobb and his friend April Walker was in North Myrtle beach where he stayed in a hotel near the ocean. A few days ago our heroes night out on the hotel balcony and took a picture of a completely deserted pier in the light of the street lamps – it was fantastically beautiful and charming sight. Here only it was later revealed that the pier could be not empty. When the Americans looked the next day, received the day before the, was surprised to find on the pier pale human figure, which wasn't there during shooting. At least, the lovers did not notice.

Johnny and April got in touch with journalists, and they told us about a mysterious incident in the news. Members of the media interviewed the local Ghost tour guide Mike Neff, who told the audience some very interesting information that adds to the story more zest.

According to him, local beaches, and hence the piers around them, populated by immigrants from the world, and the most famous of them is the so-called Grey Man. If you believe the urban legends, this pretranslate time there near the water before the coast devastated by hurricanes. This is very interesting given the fact that the weatherman just forecast in North Myrtle beach will soon begin the season of storms...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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