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Aquatic creatures. Canada

ID #1544955483
Added Sun, 16/12/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

If you believe the story about a fisherman Keith Ross, near the Peninsula of Nova Scotia, which is adjacent to Canada, we noticed a horrifying creature. Data about the incident surfaced only after 42 years at the UFO meeting in the County of Shelburne. Ross admits he does not know exactly who saw. The creation was not similar to any marine animal.

The story began when the now deceased fisherman Eisner penny sailed home with fishing area Pollock Shoal. When the man looked down at the water and saw something impressive size. The monster followed the fisherman, and then stuck out his back, which had reached a height of 4 meters. Monster lagged behind men only in shallow water.

After a couple of days creating saw Rodney Ross and his father Keith Ross. The story continued on the same plot of Pollock Shoal. The man beheld in the water the huge creature that scared all the fish away: in that day the bite was not. At one point out of the water seemed hump, which is actually head. The positioning of the eyes was the same as crocodiles.

The body of the monster was covered with the sticky shells from the mouth protruded a multitude of teeth, and the full length of the creature was 18 meters, says Rodney. "Meeting" with the monster ended only in 1976. No one knows what happened to the creation.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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