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Aquatic creatures. Canada

ID #1553250199
Added Fri, 22/03/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Горное болото

Mountain and bog land , formerly known as Mountain swamp is located in Central Ontario (Canada), near lake Simcoe.

In our area about this monster legends. Say that many years ago one Indian woman was raped and got pregnant from it. When she gave birth to a child, he was horribly disfigured and then she decided to throw it into the swamp. For a long time she rowed the boat through the swamp and finally found a tree with a big hole and left the child there. However, the child miraculously survived and turned into a terrible howling monster that you can attack humans and even eat it.

The legend of this monster go here for over 200 years.

During the war of 1812 on one side of the swamp was placed the Fort and the only path was the river. And traveling on the river, people began to disappear and many tens or even not found or were found dead and mutilated. Sometimes missing and soldiers from the Fort. In 1950-e years a resident of Angus Charles Duckworth went to the swamp and saw a mysterious creature, pirouetting through the undergrowth. He had a camera and he was able to film it.

In 1979 this photo was recognized as genuine, though on the web you can find a version of very bad quality. (probably the left part of the image)

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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