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Aquatic creatures. Canada

ID #1560585647
Added Sat, 15/06/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озере Скаха

Ogopogo is the canadian Nessie, what's more, the Okanagan lake where he supposedly lives, in many ways similar to the famous Scottish body of water the Loch ness monster. It's long and narrow and is located on a hill approximately at the same height from the sea level.

But unites these two lakes most water monsters, very similar in description, a mysterious appearance and a fantastic elusiveness. Moreover, Ogopogo has become known a lot sooner Nessie, although not acquired such international fame. But as they say, the fault or the reason for the people themselves, but did not itself Ogopogo.

Took video of Ogopogo in the beginning of this month a resident of British Columbia, Canada Jim La rock (Jim La Rocque). However, he met and vacationers with the children this monster is not in Akagane and the nearby lake Skaha. The video clearly visible waves, which creates some lake animal of enormous size floated to the surface. According to experts who viewed the video, length of it at least five or six meters. And my son Jim, who at this time was in the boat much closer to the monster, I noticed even the large black fins of Ogopogo.

However, the old-timer of this place and tireless researcher Ogopogo bill Stetsyuk believes that video Rocca raises some doubts. First, it is not very high quality, there are materials about the canadian monster is much more impressive. Second, Ogopogo lives in Okanagan lake, and Skaha not to move him from one pond to another, you have to go through small ducts, and very dangerous, which is doubtful and improbable.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

A south Okanagan man is convinced he’s captured the most conclusive piece of evidence yet of the legendary and elusive lake monster in the Okanagan known as the Ogopogo. Jim La Rocque was enjoying his mother-in-law’s lakefront property with his two children in Kaleden, B.C. on June 1 when he says he noticed an inexplicable wake on Skaha Lake.


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