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Aquatic creatures. United States

ID #1562147429
Added Wed, 03/07/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
озеро Мичиган
United States

Freshwater lake Michigan the largest lake in the USA and belongs to the group of the Great lakes. His depth of 281 m, length 500 km.

In many large lakes of the world have observed unusual creatures, but in Michigan, surprisingly similar legends about "water dinosaurs" no. Nevertheless, it apparently inhabits something very long and black. What recently caught on a video camera.

This video immediately caused a lot of controversy. Because unclear frames are hard to distinguish what it is - a huge snake, eel or a clump of algae. The camera was installed overlooking the South jetty of the lake and 13 June 2019, when was this entry, in the vicinity of the raging perfect storm.

In social networks a video posted by a resident of Michigan Tom Wenzel. He called this strange creature "our local Loch ness monster."

In the video look exactly in the middle in the Marina area and almost immediately notice in the waves a long black body. At some point you can even see his tail. This creature is trying to cope with waves that inevitably carry it to the supports of the pier. However, to get out of there he fails and the waves dragged it through the bearings.

After a few seconds the creature is in a relaxed pace emerges from the left side from under the pier and behind the scenes.

Much indicates that it's not just algae. The creature moves as if alive, deftly twisting tail, and his body in the end you can see the ridges, like a crocodile. But it's certainly not a crocodile, but something much more long and looks like no legs (and there are no crocodiles here).

It is difficult to estimate its size without knowing the exact parameters of the pier. We only know that the height of the lighthouse is 12.5 meters. Commentators define the length being approximately 3 meters and a weight of 90-100 kg. Being flexible and seems too long for the catfish-giant, so the main version is that this giant eel.

This Pro eel giant adheres to the veterinarian Pete van Vranken of Battle Creek, who spoke in an interview on local radio. In lake Michigan and live eels and lampreys, but none of them reaches a length of over a meter.

The mystery of what hit the camera at the pier, still remains one of the most talked about local issues and remains unanswered.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Le lac Michigan est le plus vaste lac des États-Unis et appartient au groupe des Grands Lacs. Il a une profondeur de 281 mètres, et sa longueur est de 500 km.

Des créatures inhabituelles ont été observées dans de nombreux grands lacs du monde, mais pour le Michigan, il est surprenant de constater qu'il n'existe aucune légende de ce type concernant des « dinosaures marins ». Et pourtant, il semble qu’une énorme créature très longue et de couleur noire habite dans le lac Michigan.

En effet, un mystérieux monstre marin y a été filmé, provoquant beaucoup de controverse. Pour certains, ce qui est visible sur ces images ne serait rien de plus qu’un énorme serpent, une anguille ou encore une touffe d’algues.

La caméra, qui a filmé cette anomalie, était installée avec vue sur la jetée au sud du lac. La vidéo a été prise le 13 juin 2019 par Tom Wenzel, un habitant de la région, alors qu’un véritable ouragan faisait rage dans les environs.

Le témoin a baptisé cette étrange créature « notre monstre local du Loch Ness ».

Sur la vidéo, on peut, presque immédiatement, remarquer un long corps noir dans les vagues. À un moment donné, même la queue de la créature est visible. Cette créature essaie de faire face aux vagues qui l’entraînent inévitablement vers la jetée.

Après quelques secondes, cette créature émerge à silencieusement et lentement du côté gauche du dessous de la jetée avant de se dissimuler en arrière-plan.

En analysant ces images, il devient évident qu’il ne s’agit pas d'algues. La créature bouge comme si elle était vivante, tordant habilement sa queue. À l’extrémité de son corps, on peut voir des crêtes, semblables à celles d’un crocodile. Mais ce n'est certainement pas un crocodile, mais quelque chose de beaucoup plus long et qui ne semble pas posséder de pattes. En outre, aucun crocodile n’a jamais été répertorié à cet endroit.

Malgré les nombreuses hypothèses, aucune explication n’a pu être trouvée et cette affaire demeure une énigme …


Freshwater Lake Michigan is the largest lake in the USA and belongs to the Great Lakes group. Its depth is up to 281 m, length is 500 km.

Unusual creatures were observed in many large lakes of the world, but to Michigan, surprisingly, there are no such legends about the “water dinosaurs”. And nevertheless, it seems that something very long and black lives in Lake Michigan.

This video (see below) immediately caused much controversy. Because on unclear frames it is difficult to distinguish what it is – a huge snake, an eel or a clump of algae.

The camera was installed with a view of the southern pier of the lake and on June 13, 2019, when this recording was made, a real hurricane was raging in the vicinity.

In a social network video posted resident of Michigan Tom Wenzel. He called this strange creature “our local Loch Ness monster.”

On the video you can almost immediately notice a long black body in the waves. At some point, even the creature tail is visible. This creature is trying to cope with the waves that inevitably carry it on the supports of the pier. However, he could not get out of there and the waves dragged him through the supports.

After a few seconds, this creature emerges at a quiet pace from the left side from under the pier and hides behind the scenes.

Much indicates that this is not just algae. The creature moves as if alive, deftly twisting its tail, and on its body at the end you can see crests, like a crocodile. But this is certainly not a crocodile, but something much longer and it seems without paws (and crocodiles are not found here).

The mystery of what exactly got on the camera at the pier, still remains one of the most discussed local topics and remains unanswered.


The "Lake Ness" monster being washed over the south pier during the gale on 6-13-2019 lol. But really, what the heck is it? Apologies on quality - taken from downtown with live web camera in 40 mph wind. Credit: WWMT and Horizon Broadband livestream service.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Famous creatures

There are a huge number of different living organisms on our planet. According to recent estimates, the number of species of organisms on our planet is approximately 7-10 million. However, only 15% of the data are described today.

According to the calculations of Canadians, 2.2 million species live in the world's oceans, 6.5 million on land. There are only about 7.8 million species of animals on the planet, 611 thousand fungi, and 300 thousand plants.


Not infrequently it happens that the trash accidentally or intentionally left by the person, may be something abnormal: signs of alien eggs alien, unknown water and land creatures, etc.. Also, this debris can enter into a chemical reactiile physical interaction with the environment. For example, to burn the grass or to form a ball.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

User facebook Mitch Kreiger on June 14 posted a photo from this place and signature:

Theres the elusive shark 🦈

Many disagree with him, as the debris was caught on the other side of the pier.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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