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UFO. Libya

ID #1563295630
Added Tue, 16/07/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
15.06.1956 02:00
Wheelus AFB

Light in the sky (Mars brightness) was visible several nights in a row military air force air base Wheelus AFB.

After finishing a night shift, several other pilots and I often hung out on the basketball court on 6930-m RGM at Wheelus AFB in Tripoli (Libya). One morning I looked North and saw a light speeding across the sky with very faint wavy track.

I pointed it out and we all began to expect that it can be. (it was a bunch of pretty smart guys because of our mission). We did not account for the inversion of reflection, the F-86D with afterburner (no satellites!).

While we're thinking, here comes another one! Well, three nights in a row we've seen from 4 to 10 in one night. Although they came from different parts of the Northern horizon, they seemed to have disappeared almost in the same place in the South.(It was determined at the point on the antenna).

When checking the map, was directly across the Libyan desert, crossing the Mountains Tbilsi. We talked to the pilot in squadron AC&W (radar). He said, "Oh, Yes. We see it all the time." And quoted a speed I can't remember, but it was very large.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Lights in sky (mars brightness) seen several nights in a row by USAF members at Wheelus AFB. After finishing a graveyard shift, a number of other airmen and myself would often hang out at the basketball court at the 6930th RGM at Wheelus AFB in Tripoli, Libya. One such morning I looked to the north and saw a light sweeping across the sky with a very slight undulating path. I pointed it out and we all speculated what it might be. (this was a bunch of pretty smart guys due to our mission) We discounted inversion reflections, F-86D with afterburners (no satellites yet!) meteors. While speculating, here comes another one! Well for three nights in a row, we saw 4 to ten in one night. Although they were comeing from different parts of the norther horizon, they seemed to vanish pretty nearly the same place on the southern. (as determined by a fiducial point, an antenna)The path, when check on a map, was straight across the libyan desert crossing the Tbilsi Mountains.I did talk to an airman at the A C & W squadron (radar) after hearing the F-86D’s scramble obviously in response to these odd lights. He said, “Oh, Yeah. We see these all the time” and quoted a speed I can’t remember but was very fast.(it was odd to scramble jets at that time of the morning unless it was for an earnest cause- the officers do like their sleep!)


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