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UFO. Belarus

ID #1569595392
Added Fri, 27/09/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Mom called: "While you are looking for aliens somewhere they fly around our village, so that there is around the village – most of our garden sat. Almost in the yard of a neighbor of the Marina...".

My mother is a serious person, so jokes will not. So, after finishing in the wording of urgent business, I went to their homes. I was not alone. And together with the scientific Secretary of the Republican Committee for energy-sharing Catherine Ageenkova, members of the Minsk group for the study of anomalous phenomena Sergey PROTONYM, Alexander SHAMMAI and Konstantin Morozov.

In the North, Vileika district, among the tall pine forests is a large field, measuring about 10 by 5 kilometres. From the South to the North chain, entering into each other so that stranger people are unlikely to define where a ends and beginnings, stretched the village of Chepintsi, Masterki, Latygol and Kuchta. In the vicinity of the two of them – my home Nesteruk and neighboring Lategola and the events unfolded, which was broken the rest of my countrymen, and the most popular among their children was the game in aliens.

Started just last spring, [1988 – Rock] year. ...About four o'clock in the morning a resident of the village Latygol driver of the local farm "Vilia" Nicholas Acidic woke his wife Maria, a teacher of chemistry and biology in the local secondary school. Brought to the window. And the woman froze. Directly in front of the house, on the North side, at a height of 8-10 metres above the ground, hung a red ball the size of a soccer ball. It glowed brightly. Such a bright light, as then said Mary Sour, she had never seen.

Woke up the children, teenage twins Alex and Natasha. And already four of us in the next hour watched the amazing, incredible picture.

...The ball hung in one place, unmoving, silently... and grew. Slowly, but steadily. Until then, not yet turned into a huge round body...

The day of the manifestation was a lot of talk. However, they were reduced almost to two conclusions: "imagined" and "you never know what can fly in the age of space ships." So the matter ended. About the case I forgot and it is unlikely he would be for ever on the pages of the newspaper to come July 1989.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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