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UFO. Georgia

ID #1570026354
Added Wed, 02/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.02.1976 14:00

26 Feb 1976, d. Bashaleishvili, head. Department of the Georgian newspaper "Soplis Poreba" (Tbilisi, St. Saturdayscape 36) during the second half of the day went from Kutaisi.

Immediately upon departure, he and his companions saw a UFO in the form of a slow moving silver disc. When the UFO hovered, Bashaleishvili made three shots of the object. At this time, to his "Zaporozhets" was approached by two employees of the state security, who asked Bashaleishvili to show documents and illuminates the film. Bashaleishvili refused to do so and after some wrangling, the documents were returned to him. During this time, the UFO flew away, but Bashaleishvili remain colored picture, which he gave to the Tbilisi physics A. V. Bobrov.

The following is an analysis of these images (not included in the article) conducted by A. V. Bobrov:

"To the slide D. Basheleishvili.

On the colored slide picture produced Bashaleishvili d. 26 Feb 1976, about 14 hours (Moscow time) near the town of Kutaisi, well transmitted primary colors — bright blue sky, green grass, the black trunks of the shrub. Unknown object — "plate" — blur black is in the upper part of the image 1 mm from the perforation. Shape — irregular ellipse, truncated at the top. The major axis of the ellipse in the picture has a size of about 1 mm, it is located parallel to the horizon. At a very rough estimate made during the survey D. Basheleishvili, it was found that the distance to the object in the air was 3-6 km, and its total size of the major axis can have a value from 300 to 800 meters.

According to the story D. Basheleishvili, when observed in the air the object was bright, shiny, and the edges of it was white. When projecting on a white screen (increased 50-100 times) visible the round dark-brown, fringed with more black-brown layer, the spot having ellipsoidally outer contour, somewhat truncated at the top. The Central core, thus, manifests itself in the form of several more bright spots, having the form of a correct circle with blurred boundaries. The outer layer, as one moves from the Central core to the periphery, changes its optical density and coloration, going from dark brown to green, light green and yellow. In the future, this layer will be called the "mantle."

Of most interest are observations obtained when viewed under the microscope. At 160 times magnification visible optical dense core and the second layer — the "mantle" with the variable, decreasing to the periphery of the optical density. The mantle has a layered structure, the layers have different colors. The boundaries between the layers are uneven, visible radial, centripetal structure. The first brown layer breaks places for a second -green (half of its width, resembling solar prominences).

Black-brown color of the mantle formed, apparently, by summing the red, green and yellow colors. The red field around the nucleus has a smaller length than the green, and the latter has a smaller length than the length of the field yellow. Brown colour are areas in which all three fields are superimposed on each other. The weakening of the luminescence intensity of the green field is expressed clearly. The lack of smooth boundaries and a distinctive pattern suggests that the mantle is a gas cloud seeking to expand from the center to the periphery. The color change is due, perhaps, as with the change of gas temperature and degree of ionization, and change in its composition. Blue sky under the microscope, the magnification can be seen in the form of separately scattered blue granules. The density of these grains across the film is uniform, but increases sharply in a narrow region on the border with the mantle.

Thus, a layer with a higher density blue grain is the shortest in length, the latter boundary layer between an unknown Central subject and the unperturbed atmosphere. The paradox of this phenomenon in General and several of its manifestations leads to less numerous speculative assumptions, some of which are associated with the presence of the last layer. It is interesting to note that the intensity of light, color and width of the mantle and the boundary layer does not depend on the direction of the sun. You can, for example, suggests that the boundary layer is strongly compacted air mass that the border color of the mantle of the unperturbed atmosphere has a unusually high pressure gradient and that the pressure here may be below atmospheric in the tens and hundreds of times.

Air mass, perhaps repelled from the Central subject of the cloak — a cloud of unknown substances with unknown parameters and an aggregate state. The centerpiece, as it were suspended in the substance, not in contact with atmospheric air. This may be due to the note for the UFO possibility of the development of high-speed in the atmosphere without combustion and heating.

Purely speculative is also an alternative hypothesis that the mantle is an air mass, transformed by an unknown method into a new aggregate state in which it is perfectly-lubricant, losing the physical properties of the gas. There are many possible such assumptions. In all cases microscopic examination of the picture of Bashaleishvili suggest that being in earth's atmosphere, the UFOs may not come into contact with it directly with the surfaces of their structures.

Ending the filmed D. Basheleishvili object, you must highlight the following: black-and-white photo of an unknown subject obtained by projecting (magnification 100 times) in the upper part detected some geometric shapes with clear boundaries. At 160 times magnification under the microscope it was discovered that these forms vary depending on the depth of the focused layer. In particular, they are observed in the layers of the substrate outside of the light-sensitive layers. We came to the conclusion that the observed geometric lines and shapes are artifacts associated with a defect of the film, indeed, is the reverse of the emulsion side of the film under a magnifying glass visible deep defect located in the upper part of the investigated volume. Other similar defects in the slide no. Its origin in this place is unclear. Bashaleishvili watched the slides on a standard projector, eliminating the possibility of burning of the film. After receipt of slides from Bashaleishvili this defect was discovered before the installation of the slide under the microscope, using a standard slide projector. The possibility of burning of the substrate microscopic examination completely eliminated. The nature of the defect is mechanical rather than thermal.

We consider it necessary to reiterate that the difference between the color of an object perceived by the observer (glossy with a white border) and recorded on a transparency (black-brown with a green halo), paradoxical. Paradoxical we can assume the complete absence of any traces of an unknown object on the other two slides (of Bashaleishvili made a total of three images of an unknown object with different exposures).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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