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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Belarus

ID #1570541362
Added Tue, 08/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Барановичская летная военная часть

That's what we said Dmitry K. (who wished not to disclose his name - the name of the witness is in the Outcome) who served in Baranavichy on a military airfield in 1991-1999. At the beginning of the two thousandth, he retired with the rank of ensign. In his meeting with UFOs, which occurred in 1991, it has preserved its memories to this day. Over the runway he noticed a huge ball, moving over the forest. Observation of the military is quite rare and is of interest even after a considerable period of time.

I was carrying military service in Baranovichi flying military unit, was on duty. It was 1991, the first year, approximately the end of November–the month of December. It was too late Stood the winter weather, was snow, there was a strong frost. On the "Vzletka" right over the forest saw a big fireball that was rolling. I just do not understand what it is, looked, walked away from the place where stood...

Then it over the tops of the forest rolled. I looked at the ball, then to the moon. Then, bingo, he somehow, I don't know where the disappeared. Or maybe for the forest waned. But then the light was not any. No glow was not, no tail.

He was rolling down the same line. I don't know where he was rolling. I've even seen more than ball and one plane, round on one side.

What direction was it?

- The ball flew in a southerly direction.

- And what does "rolled out", not flew, and rolled?

- I don't know how. He was rolled, I thought.

- Color changed?

- No, it was crimson red. Big, big ball.

- At what distance was he from you?

- Five hundred meters, I thought so.

And what was the diameter?

In diameter it was the feelings of one and a half meters.

And if he was near you?

- It would be much more, maybe three meters by three in diameter. Was orange-red.

No flashes were not?

- No, it was the same color. A clear circle.


Recorded by A. Podgorny 03 March 2015.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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