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UFO. Belarus

ID #1573031525
Added Wed, 06/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1996 23:00

Alexander Radko describes the appearance of such objects in the vicinity of the city of Krichev.

The stories of residents, it is glowing, red orbs that can develop a very high speed and disappear from sight in seconds.

Here is one of the cases that occurred with an engineer kievlyanina Malakhov three years ago. He returned from another voyage. Approaching the station Krichev, noticed a suspicious ball-shaped object of red color, which, as it seemed, appeared out of nowhere. This led driver in a daze, but he continued to watch. Unidentified flying object (while accompanied by a train, and then rapidly gained altitude and disappeared from view.

And that's the case, who observed the employee Krychev "emergency" V. A. Voronov. It happened last summer in mid-July. About 11 o'clock he went out to smoke and at this moment he suddenly saw, in his words, flying saucer of very large sizes, hovering over the forest. A while ravens watched her, and then called in his colleagues. All saw the object shone a bright light, but especially shines his dome. "Plate" slowly gliding through the air, then stopped abruptly and fell down. After some time she got up at the same height and then slowly began to fly. Suddenly stopped and, immediately gaining speed, disappeared from view.

And here is another case of observing fireballs, witnessed by family Matyshkina. It was 3 years ago in early July. Around midnight, the family noticed strange lights over the forest. Looking closer, I noticed that the red balls that hovered over the forest (it should be said that this case was far from a military airfield in Bobruisk). Apparently, they noticed at the airport, as there hit the bright spotlight and began to rummage through the sky. But apparently balls "did not want" to be found, so I immediately scattered in different directions.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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