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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Philippines

ID #1574171942
Added Tue, 19/11/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
U.S. Naval Base Subic Bay

I was aboard the USS Holder (DD-819), and we went from Norfolk (Virginia) via the Panama canal to pearl Harbor and finally to our temporary port in the Philippines, naval station Subic Bay.

Over the next 4 months we were in and out of Subic Bay. During these 4 months there was only one time when any plane was going down right over our ship, and it was a Sunday in July when we first arrived at the base.

I just bought a 35 mm camera German-made Agfa and downloaded 36 color slide film. I distinctly remember that it happened on Sunday, because we were in our white clothes, and I wanted to take pictures of all of his shipmates.

When I walked around the deck, two jet fighters appeared directly overhead and was on a steep incline, almost directly, with the inclusion of afterburners. I took my camera and aimed it on 2 planes and made one picture, I didn't see anything except airplanes. The noise from the jet fighters was deafening, and for the next 4 months there was not a single plane that crosses our ship at the pier.

With us on the pier was a submarine with a nuclear strike , and our ship was equipped with nuclear anti-submarine missiles ASROC .

When I was shown the slides, I looked at them, and those two fighters were very small, they had to be at a height of 15,000 feet or more, I removed the slides, and 6 years later, for Christmas 1972, a friend gave me a slide projector.

Soon I had a 5-foot square screen painted white wall to look at my slides. When in 1966 I went to the slides of two aircraft over the Bay of Subic right on these aircraft at an altitude of 35-40, 000 ft were 2 distinctive round white dots and the jets were right on them. I showed the slides to a few friends and they couldn't believe what I saw. Some suggest the reflection in the lens or perhaps a defect in the film. All other shots were perfect, and there was nothing to indicate malfunction of the camera.

I took slides for many years and kept them in the basement, but it flooded, so, unfortunately, I have no more slides.

Clark air force base was nearby and, perhaps, the person who was the operator of the radar could comment on this event.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

I was on board the USS Holder (DD-819) and we had traveled from Norfolk, Virginia through the Panama Canal on to Pearl Harbor and finally to our temporary home port in the Philippines, Subic Bay Naval Station.

For the next 4 months we were in and out of Subic Bay several times. In these 4 months there was only one time that any aircraft came directly over our ship, and that was on a Sunday in July when we first arrived at the base.

I had just purchased a 35mm German made agfa camera and had loaded it with 36 shot color slide film. I recall distinctly that it happened on a Sunday because we were in our dress white uniforms, and I wanted to get pictures of all my shipmates.

As I walked around deck snapping pictures 2 jet fighter aircraft appeared directly overhead and were in a steep climb nearly straight up with full afterburners kicked in. I took my camera and aimed it at the 2 jets and snapped one picture, I saw nothing other than the 2 jets. The noise from the jet fighters was deafening, and for the next 4 months there was never any plane that came over the top of our ship at pierside.

Tied up pierside with us was a nuclear attack submarine, and our ship was equipped with nuclear anti submarine rockets, ASROC.

When the slides were developed I looked at them and the ones of the 2 fighter airplanes were very small, they must have been at 15,000 feet high or more, I put the slides away and 6 years later, Christmas 1972, a friend gave me a slide projector.

Soon I had a 5 foot square picture screen, actually a white painted wall, to look at my slides on. When I came to the slides of the 2 jets over Subic Bay in 1966, straight above these jets at maybe 35-40,000 feet were 2 distinctive round white dots and the jets were vectored exactly at them. I showed the slides to several friends and they could not believe what they were seeing. Some suggested reflection in the lens or maybe a defect in the film. All the other shots were perfect and nothing to suggest a malfunction of the camera.

I put the slides away and stored them for many years in the basement, when I went to get them water had wiped them all away, so regrettably I do not have the slides anymore.

Clark Airforce base was nearby and maybe a reader of yours that was a radar operator could comment on this event from 38 years ago. Best Wishes

Thank you to the gentleman for this excellent and interesting report.

I am still requesting other military folks come forward if they have had an experience with an unknown object when serving.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Defects in old photos

There are a number of defects specific to film images. They are connected with the peculiarities of the film and principle photo.

The film in essence is a strip of transparent synthetic plastic, supported on her a photosensitive layer of chemical substances that can alter its transparency or properties under the action of light.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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