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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1594019703
Added Mon, 06/07/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Сиэтл, WA
United States

Witness Seattle (Washington) photographed a UFO. He commented as follows:

My wife and I had dinner in downtown Seattle, Washington, and was walking along 5th Avenue to get back to your parked car when we stopped to take pictures (with iPhone 11 Pro Max) tower, Rainier Square, which is under construction, and when it is completed, will be the 2nd tallest building in Seattle.

We sent a picture of our daughters in our Family group and didn't notice anything unusual at the time.

The next morning, upon closer inspection, we noticed bumps on the horizon, and after the improvement of photography is an object in the form of a disk (the external surface is not visible, it merges with the sky) with 3 visible oblong, turquoise Windows, and a fourth, much smaller light at the top corner of the photo, which apparently reflects visible light rays.

Windows is also lined in visible white vibration.

It should be noted that this building has a unique design with non-standard window elements, so perhaps the anomaly causes a reflection of the sun, but the color and shape of the Windows, objects and surroundings, it seems, do not coincide with the theory of the reflection of the sun.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Date of sighting: July 4, 2020

Location of sighting: Seattle, Washington, USA

Source: MUFON


Guys, this is a great example of a UFO getting caught due to the digital eye seeing what the human eye cannot. Why didn't the person see it on the camera screen? Easy, this is during the day and looks very bright, have you ever tried to look at the screen of your phone on a sunny day? Its near impossible, you always need to walk to shade to fully see everything on the screen. Well...thats what happened here. And the UFO is like none I have ever seen before. Its crescent shaped with several other crescent sections near it. I think they will rotate slowly around each other. Also its possible the digital eye caught something the human eye couldn't. I mean have you seen that RayBan commercial where they guy looks at a picture of a fisherman holding his hand up, but puts the glasses on and can now see the fish which was made of special colors of the spectrum the human eye normally cannot see? Its crazy cool and it explains why a person might not have seen this amazing UFO over Seattle. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Eyewitness states: 

My wife and I had finished eating dinner in downtown Seattle, WA and were walking along 5th Avenue to get back to our parked car when we stopped to take a picture (with an iPhone 11 Pro Max) of the Rainier Square Tower, which is under construction, and when completed will be the 2nd tallest building in Seattle. We texted the photo to our daughters on our "Family" text group, and didn't notice anything unusual with the picture at the time. The next morning, upon closer examination, we noticed an irregularity in the skyline, and upon enhancing the photo - it appears to be a disc shaped object (the exterior surface is not visible, it blends with the sky) with 3 visible oblong, turquoise/teal colored windows, and a 4th much smaller light in the top NE corner of the photo which appears to be displaying visible light beams. The windows also appear to be outlined in a visible white vibration. Of note, this building has a unique design, with non-standard window features, so perhaps the reflection of the sun is causing this anomaly, however, the color and shape of the objects' windows and surrounding vibration, don't seem to align with the sun reflection theory.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Re-reflections in lens lenses from a strong light source

The lens consists of a set of lenses (in some lenses - of mirrors), designed for mutual compensation of aberrations and assembled into a single system.

From the contour light (bright light sources behind the subject or next to it), caught in the frame or located outside the frame, parasitic reflections from the internal elements of the lens are formed, called glare (or in slang "hares").


Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Onenui Station, Mahia, Wairoa, North Island (New Zealand) Vehicle: Electron KS Payload: CE-SAT 1B Flock-4e 1 (Dove 240E) Flock-4e 2 (Dove 240B) Flock-4e 3 (Dove 2411) Flock-4e 4 (Dove 2410) Flock-4e 5 (Dove 2418) Faraday 1
  • Site: Jiuquan Space Center, Inner Mongolia (China) Vehicle: CZ-2D (2) Payload: SY 6-02 (TS 6-02, CX 3A-02)


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials

On the basis of the object's shape, color and location is the glare from the bright part of the building. This is also partially confirmed by the fact that the object was only visible on photos.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation

Re-reflections in lens lenses from a strong light source

The lens consists of a set of lenses (in some lenses - of mirrors), designed for mutual compensation of aberrations and assembled into a single system.

From the contour light (bright light sources behind the subject or next to it), caught in the frame or located outside the frame, parasitic reflections from the internal elements of the lens are formed, called glare (or in slang "hares").

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