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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1595851532
Added Mon, 27/07/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.06.1967 18:00
Томпсон, MB

The woman was in her home when she heard a strange beep. This was repeated at regular intervals of approximately one second, and she wondered what caused it.

She looked out the window of his kitchen and saw the dirt and pieces of paper flying in a circle around the house.

Outside she found her husband (who just returned home) and five children staring up into the sky.

Up in the air hung a rectangular object, slowly rotating counter-clockwise, and alternating silver and black sides. It was black on the lower surface and not noisy.

The object began to move at an angle, stopped and hovered, then continued to move South-East. Until that time, the circle of dirt and dust remained, but now he was quiet.

Whirlwind was limited to the area immediately around their house and has not affected other houses on the street. When the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground.

Approaching the children, the woman found that her daughter seemed stunned. The boy explained that five was playing in the yard when the object first appeared above her head. While they watched, her daughter rose in the air, apparently under the influence of a celestial object.

By the time when other children came to her aid, she was about three feet off the ground, and her clothes covered her body. Her daughter said that didn't remember anything from the moment he felt the wind, and up to the time when she came to herself after she was dragged back to earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

Date: June 30 1967
Location: Thompson, Manitoba, Canada
Time: 1800
Summary: A woman was walking through her house when she heard an odd beeping sound. It was repeated at regular intervals of about one second, and she wondered what was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around the house. Outside, she found her husband (who had just returned home) and five children staring up into the sky. A young boy was holding her eight-year old daughter down on the ground. Up in the sky, a rectangular object hung in the air, slowly rotating counter-clockwise and showing alternating silver and black sides. It was black on its lower surface and made no noise. The object began moving off at an angle, stopped and hovered, then continued towards the southeast. Until this time, the circle of dirt and dust had persisted, but it now died down. The whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and did not affect any other houses on the street. When the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground. Going to the children, the woman found they were gradually calming down, all except her daughter, who seemed dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had been playing in the yard when the object first appeared overhead. As they watched, her daughter had risen into the air, apparently under the influence of the object in the sky. By the time the other children had come to her aid, she was about one meter off the ground and her clothes had edged up her body. Her daughter said she did not remember anything from the time she felt the wind, to the time she recovered after being dragged back to the ground.
Source: Chris Rutkowski in Unnatural History, True Manitoba Mysteries


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