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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Mexico

ID #1598955601
Added Tue, 01/09/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
04.1969 00:00
Мексиканский залив

The event occurred when the "British Grenadier" sailed through the Gulf of Mexico. 

A UFO (similar to an arrowhead) appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. It seemed so, because no one saw him arrive. It remained above the ship for the next 3 days.


Although the arrow UFO is not the most common form of UFO, this sighting was even more unusual because of its duration. UFO saw the entire crew of the oil tanker "British Grenadier" exactly 3 days! The event occurred around April/ may 1969, when the "British Grenadier" sailed through the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. It just seemed like because no one saw it arrive and it stayed above the ship for the next 3 days.

According to reports, the ship was about 1 mile above the ship and had a dark blue color during the day. At night, it looked like a silvery light. At that time, the weather conditions were good, with clear skies and calm seas.

On the first day of arrival (a minute after midnight), the ship's engines suddenly stopped, leaving only emergency lighting and controls. The crew managed to restart the engines, which took some time, as all the pumps had to be stopped and started manually.

On the second day, all the refrigerators for storing food were closed, and the reasons for this event could not be found. 

On the third day, at 23: 45, one of the crew members noticed that the air conditioning room was not lit and the door leading to the crew's living quarters was open. The engineer went through the door to investigate and spoke to two firefighters. But the next day the same door was found welded! Apparently, the door was welded before the ship left the dock (due to a malfunction), but the door was definitely open so that the engineer could pass through it.

A few minutes after this event, the engines stopped again, leaving only the emergency lights and steering (again a minute after midnight!). They were started again, but later it turned out that the starter of the emergency diesel generator was dismantled. All the parts of the generator were carefully placed near the car, as if someone had examined it. Exactly at noon on the third day, the UFO disappeared as it had appeared.

Although all these events were recorded in the ship's log, this is the first time (as far as we know) that this event has been published (on 2004.05.29). 

Original news

Date: April or May 1969
Location: Gulf of Mexico
Summary: The event occurred while the “British Grenadier” was sailing through the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO (like an arrowhead)  appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. It just seemed to appear as nobody saw it arrive and it remained above the ship for the next 3 days. E-M effects


Although Arrowhead UFOs are not the most common of UFO shapes sighted, this sighting was even more unusual because of its duration. The craft was seen by the entire crew of the Oil Tanker “British Grenadier” for exactly 3 days! The event occurred around April/May 1969 while the “British Grenadier” was sailing through the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. It just seemed to appear as nobody saw it arrive and it remained above the ship for the next 3 days.

According to reports, the craft was approximately 1 mile above the ship and dark blue in color during the day. At night it appeared as a silvery light. The weather conditions were good at the time, with a clear sky and calm seas. On the first day of its arrival (one minute after midnight), the ship’s engines suddenly stopped and only emergency lighting and steering were available. The crew managed to restart the engines, which took some time as all the pumps had to be shut down and restarted manually.

The second day saw all the food storage refrigerators closed down and no reason for this event could be found. On the third day at 11.45 pm, one of the crew noticed that the lights were out in the ship’s air conditioning room and a door leading to the crew’s accommodation was opened. The engineer passed through the door to investigate and spoke to two firemen. But the next day the same door was found welded shut! Apparently, the door had been welded before the ship left dock (because of a fault), but the door was definitely open for the engineer to have walked through it.

A few minutes after this event the engines stopped again, leaving just emergency lighting and steering (again one minute after midnight!). They were restarted once more, but later it was discovered that the starter motor for the emergency diesel generator had been dismantled. All the parts of the generator were neatly placed by the machine as if someone had examined it. At exactly noon on the third day, the craft vanished in the same manner as it had appeared.

Although all these events were recorded in the ship’s log, this is the first time (to our knowledge) that this event has been published. We would be interested in hearing from any of the crew that was aboard the BP Oil Tanker “British Grenadier” at this time, in order to obtain more information about this sighting. If you were there and would like to write to us, please send an email to: source:


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