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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Chile

ID #1483788493
Added Sat, 07/01/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

The Committee for the study of anomalous aerial phenomena (CEFAA), which is the official Chilean government Agency involved in the study of UFOs, 3 January 2017 has released a unique 9-minute video with an unidentified flying object. Military experts and scientists in the last two years trying to figure out what the strange aircraft was captured by two experienced pilots of the Chilean military helicopter.

The event took place at noon on 11 November 2014, when the Airbus helicopter Cougar AS-532, perform daily patrols, taking off from Santiago to the North along the coast. On Board were the pilot, Navy captain with many years of flight experience, and the technician that worked with an infrared camera MX-15 used for surveillance and reconnaissance at medium altitude. The Board was moving at an altitude of about 1.5 kilometers at a speed of 250 km/h.

While surveying technician noticed flying over the ocean the UFO. The pilots watched them with the naked eye. The speed and altitude of the object was the same as the helicopter. Allegedly, the UFO was observer 60 km and was moving North-West.

It was a long semi-oval UFO white color, consisting, apparently, of the two spheres, which were thrown up and down a thin jet of hot air that were visible when shooting with an infrared camera.

After eight minutes of video footage of mysterious UFOs released a stunning long train of very hot gas or water, which is then behind the object and hung in the air. A minute later, the UFO made a second release.

The pilot immediately contacted the two radar stations, and reported an unknown object. But no coastal station, no radar in Santiago are unable to detect it on radar, although the helicopter was clearly visible. Attempts to communicate with the object to no avail. The technician removed the object within nine minutes and twelve seconds, and when the UFO disappeared in the clouds, the helicopter returned to base.

This wonderful video was carefully studied by a group of aviation professionals under the auspices of the Chilean air force. However, they have been unable to find any explanation. The suggestion that it was a plane, drone, space junk or a weather balloon, it was rejected as impossible. Eventually, the group came to the final conclusion that the object was a genuine "unidentified aerial phenomenon", or as it is commonly called, UFO.

This incident is the strongest evidence supporting the existence of UFOs, but as always, when talking about the mysterious phenomenon remains more questions than answers.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

At 1:52 pm, while filming the terrain, the technician observed a strange object flying to the left over the ocean. Soon both men observed it with the naked eye. They noticed that the velocity and the altitude of the object appeared to be about the same as the helicopter, and estimated that the object was approximately 35 to 40 miles (55-65 km) away. It was traveling W/NW, according to the Captain. The technician aimed the camera at the object immediately and zoomed in with the infra red (IR) for better clarity.

Shortly thereafter, the pilot contacted two radar stations - one close by on the coast, and the other the main DGAC Control system (Ground Primary Radar) in Santiago - to report the unknown traffic. Neither station could detect it on radar, although both easily picked up the helicopter. (The object was well within the range of radar detection.) Air traffic controllers confirmed that no traffic, either civilian or military, had been reported in the area, and that no aircraft had been authorized to fly in the controlled air space where the object was located. The on-board radar was also unable to detect the object and the camera’s radar could not lock onto it.

The pilot tried several times to communicate with the UAP, using the multi-national, civilian bandwidth designed for this purpose. He received no reply.

The technician filmed the object for nine minutes and twelve seconds, mainly in IR. This sensor produces a black and white video in which the black, white and grey tones are directly related to temperature. IR detects heat, and the hotter the material being filmed, the darker it appears on the image. The officers stopped the camera when they had to return to the base and the object disappeared behind the clouds.

The Navy immediately turned over the footage to the CEFAA, and General Bermúdez, accompanied by nuclear chemist Mario Avila, a CEFAA scientific committee member, conducted interviews with the two officers at their Navy base. “I was very impressed by these witnesses,” Avila told me. “They were highly trained professionals with many years experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw.” Both offiicers also provided written reports at the base, as is required, and for CEFAA.

The Navy Captain stated that the object was a “flat, elongated structure” with “two thermal spotlights like discharges that did not coincide with the axel of motion.” The technician described it as as “white with a semi-oval shape on the horizontal axis.”


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