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Scientists have uncovered the secret of "silence" aliens

Added Mon, 09/01/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 23/01/2016

Australian scientists declared that have found out the reason why silent potential inhabitants of other planets. The findings of their theory, they published in the edition of Astrobiology.

Planetary scientists are convinced that the facts of the existence of complex forms of life, including reasonable, in other solar systems and the nearby planets are very rare. The reason for this is that in the event of some form of life on any exoplanets, it is not enough time to develop into a complex shape, and it will die. Because other celestial bodies don't have the capability to support adequate for the continuation of life conditions as Earth, the representatives of alien fauna will die before you learn to "speak" with other life forms at great distances in the Universe.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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