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UFO. Philippines

ID #1603810238
Added Tue, 27/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
19.10.1977 21:30

While observing the satellite at night. Three objects moving in the upper atmosphere stopped completely for a second, and then moved in different directions. 

I watched (without binoculars) satellites in the clear night sky, as I sometimes did when I was 15 years old. As a gadget manufacturer, I was fascinated by the way people put such devices into orbit. I usually watched 5 to 7 satellites a night before going to bed. 

Then at about 21: 30, I observed 3 satellites that were close and perfectly equidistant from each other. The trio caught my special attention. I thought I was so lucky to have witnessed a rare coincidence. They moved at the same speed from North to South. 

One object led the other two. Then, without warning, they all stopped FOR at least a full second! The way they stopped surprised me, because they didn't slow down to a stop, they just stopped dead in their tracks. Then they immediately moved again at the same speeds, but in three different directions: the leader continued South, one went 45 degrees to the left, and the third went 45 degrees to the right. It was an amazing sight. 

I watched them until they disappeared over the horizon. Even at that time, I was thinking about what technologies, if they are earth-based, can do this... or from what country. But to date, more than 21 years later, I know of absolutely no air or space vehicle technology that could do what these three objects did. 

I am a man of science with a Ph. D. and so I always try to find answers to questions about how things work, especially those that interest me. 

Original news

Date:  October 19 1977
Location:  Los Banos, Laguna Philippines
Time:  21:30
Summary:  While satellite gazing at night, three objects moving in the upper atmosphere stopped completely for a second, then proceeded in different directions. I was watching (with no binoculars) satellites go by in the clear night sky as I sometimes did when I was 15 years old. Being the gadget guy that I am, I was fascinated by how humans had put into orbit such crafts. I usually would observe 5 to 7 satellites a night before retiring to bed. Then at around 9:30 p.m., I observed 3 satellites that were closely and perfectly equidistant from each other. The trio caught my special attention. I thought I was so lucky to have been witnessing a rare coincidence. They were moving with identical velocities from North to South. One object led the other two. Then, without warning, they all STOPPED for at least a full second! The manner in which they stopped really surprised me because they did not slow down to a stop but simply stopped dead in their tracks. Then they moved again immediately with the previous velocities, but in three different directions: the leader continued southward, one went 45 degrees to the left, while the third one went 45 degrees to the right. It was an amazing sight. I watched them all until they disappeared into the horizon. Even at that time, I thought about what technology, if earthly, could do that… or from which country. But to this date, over 21 years later, I know of absolutely no air or space craft technology that could do what those three objects did. I am a man of science with a Ph.D. and so I always try to find answers to the way things work, especially those that catch my interest. For this one: extra-terrestrial. Duration: 1 minute
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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