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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Flying creatures. United States

ID #1606582041
Added Sat, 28/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Бронкс, NY
United States

Two boys, aged seven, and the other eight were playing outside when they decided to return to their apartment complex. Both boys entered the building and went to an apartment on the lower floor next to the stairs. 

When one of the boys knocked on the door, the other casually glanced up the stairs and was shocked to see a tall, leathery, winged creature with glowing blood-red eyes standing directly under the light of the skylight. He described the creature as something similar to a reptile, but with visible human characteristics, although terrible. It stood upright on two legs, slightly bent like an old man. It had abnormally long arms with what looked like claws at the ends of thin fingers. His arms were thin but muscular. His torso was also unnaturally long. His legs looked long but clumsy, with knobby knees and big bony feet. It had long, sharp claws on its toes. Its wings were quite large, with tight, thin greenish-gray skin. The skin itself looked dry, but with a slight sheen. 

As the witness looked, he noticed that the creature's fiery eyes were actually staring intently at both boys. The creature had a large, thin skull on incredibly bony shoulders. By this time both boys had noticed the creature and were standing looking at it in horror.

Both boys ran out and shouted for their mothers to open the apartment door. The creature had a large, thin skull on incredibly bony shoulders. By this time both boys had noticed the creature and were standing looking at it in horror. Both boys ran out and shouted for their mothers to open the apartment door. 

The creature had a large, thin skull on incredibly bony shoulders. By this time both boys had noticed the creature and were standing looking at it in horror. Both boys ran out and shouted for their mothers to open the apartment door.

Original news

Location. Bronx, New York
Date: 1982
Time: evening
Two young boys, 1 seven years of age the other eight had been playing outside when they decided to go back into their apartment complex. Both boys entered the building and walked to the apartment on the bottom floor near the stairway. As one of the boys knocked on the door, the other one glanced casually up the stairs and was shocked to see a tall, leathery, winged creature with glowing, blood red eyes, standing directly under the light of the sunroof. He described the entity as somewhat reptilian, but with visible human characteristics, albeit gruesome ones. It stood upright on two legs, if not a bit stooped over like an old man; it had abnormally long arms with what appeared to be talons at the ends of its spindly fingers. The arms were thin, yet muscular. Its torso was unnaturally long as well. Its legs appeared long, but gangly, with knobby knees and large bony feet. It had long sharp looking talons on its toes. Its wings were rather large, with taut, thin, greenish-gray skin. The skin itself looked to be dry, yet with a bit of gleam to it. As the witness stared he noticed that the creature’s fiery eyes were indeed fixed firmly on both boys. The being had a large gaunt skull set on impossibly bony shoulders. By now both boys had noticed the creature and stood terrified staring at it. Both boys ran out and scream for their mothers to open the door of the apartment.
Source: Paranormal


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