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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1607949850
Added Mon, 14/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Олд-Кроу, YT

Old Crow is a small community of about 300 people, just outside the Arctic circle and right on the edge of the forest. A community that doesn't have access to roads with the rest of the world, it can only be reached by boat in summer, snowplow in winter, or by plane all year round. This is approximately 200 km (120 miles) as the crow flies from the nearest transport route, the Dempster highway .

The community is located on the banks of the Porcupine river, and most of its population are members of the Wuntut Gwich'in First Nation. Because of their isolation, they largely lead a lifestyle that supports their livelihoods. Residents of Old Crow are often on land, fishing, fishing, walking in the snow, and hunting. The region is home to The world-famous caribou heard porcupine, which has about 180,000 animals.


The story of the witness:

"Before this happened, I never believed people who said they saw UFOs. I always thought they were making it up.

This was around September 20, 1986. B. (B) and I stopped at our cabin on the Porcupine river. We were asleep and it was dark. Something woke me up in the middle of the night. There was a loud "spinning sound" right above the cabin! 

I looked out the window and it was just bright! As day. I went to the window where B. was sleeping. I looked out and saw a UFO right above the trees! It was a bright blue, almost too bright to look at, and it was spinning quite fast.

I tried to Wake "B" up, but I couldn't. I tried everything. I shook her, but there was nothing to Wake her up. It's like she's dead!

I continued to watch the UFO for about 5 minutes, then it just slowly descended down to the river Bank and away from us, began to pick up speed, crossing the river, then it just quickly flew away into the distance!

The next morning, I said to "B": "You should have seen this thing outside last night. A bright spinning thing right above the trees »

"B" said:"You should have woken me up! » 

"I tried, I couldn't, it's like you died, you tried everything»

When I got back to the village, I told my husband. 

He said: "You should report this to the RCMP," and I said, " What are they going to do about it? They have enough problems taking care of things at Old Crow."

Now when someone says they've seen a UFO, I know it's true. I know it's true, because I saw it myself! »


Additional information

The witness was very Frank, agitated and anxious as she told her story. Listening to her was almost like being there. 

After the witness described the event, she was asked a few more details about the UFO. Although we weren't at the spot where she saw the UFO, we were on the street, on the porch of her house. This allowed her to illustrate the distance to the UFO and its size in relation to objects around us. The UFO was about 5 meters (16 feet) in diameter, 50 meters (165 feet) from the witness and about 15 meters (50 feet) from the ground. 

This was not a planned interview, so there was no paper or pen at hand, but the witness outlined the 3-dimensional shape of the UFO, raising her hands up. It was a disk that was flat at the bottom, had sloping sides, and a rounded top, as shown in the drawing.

The woman felt that the object might have affected her friend in some way, possibly causing her to lose consciousness during the observation.

The woman was able to remember the approximate date of appearance, since the family event occurred around the same time period. The initial "B" in this report was changed from the actual first initials of the witness involved.

Original news


Old Crow is a small community of about 300 people, just above the Arctic Circle and just on the edge of the treeline. A community with no road access to the rest of the world, one can only reach this village by boat in the summer, snow machine in the winter, or plane year-round. It is about 200 km (120 miles) in a straight line from the nearest transportation route, the Dempster Highway.

The community is situated on the bank of the Porcupine River and the majority of its population are members of theVuntut Gwitchin First Nation. Because of their isolation, they lead to a great extent, a sustenance life style. The people of Old Crow are out on the land often, fishing, trapping, snow shoeing and hunting. The region is home to the world famous Porcupine Caribou Heard, some 180,000 animals.


Account from the witness:

“Before this happened I never believed the people that were talking about seeing UFOs. I always thought that they were making it up.

It was around Sept 20, 1986. B and I were staying at our Cabin on the Porcupine River. We were sleeping and it was pitch black out. In the middle of the night something woke me up. There was this loud “rotating sound” right above the cabin! I looked outside the window and it was just bright out! Like daytime. I went to the window under which ‘B’ was sleeping. The light was shinning on her. I looked outside and there was this UFO right over the trees! It was bright blue, almost too bright to look at and was rotating fairly fast.

tried to wake up ‘B’ but I couldn’t. I tried everything. I was shaking her but there was nothing that would wake her. It was like she was dead!

I continued to watch the UFO for about 5 minutes, then it just slowly descended down towards the river bank and away from us, started speeding up going cross river, then it just shot off rapidly into the distance!

The next morning I told ‘B’ “You should have seen this thing outside last night. A bright rotating thing just above the trees” ‘B’ said “you should have woke me up!” “I tried, I couldn’t, it was like you were dead, I tried everything”

When I got back to the village, I told my husband. He said “you should report it to the RCMP” and I said, “What are they going to do about it? They have enough trouble of taking care of things in Old Crow.”

Now when somebody says that they have seen a UFO, I know it’s true. I know it’s true, because I have seen one myself! ”


Additional Information

The witness was very forthright, excited and anxious when relating her account. Listening to her was almost like being there. After the witness described the event, she was asked a few more details about the UFO. Although we weren’t at the location of her UFO sighting, we were outdoors, out on the front porch of her home. This enabled her to illustrate the distance to the UFO and its size in relation to objects around us. The UFO was about 5 metres (16 ft) in diameter, 50 metres (165 ft) away from the witness and about 15 m (50 ft) off the ground. This was not a scheduled interview so paper and pen were not at hand but the witness traced a 3-D shape of the UFO with her hands in the air. It was a disk that was flat on the bottom, had sloping sides, and a rounded top as depicted in the figure.

The woman felt that the object may have somehow had an influence on her friend, perhaps causing her to become deeply unconscious during the sighting.

The woman was able to recall the approximate date of the sighting since a family related event occurred around the same time period. The initial “B” in this report has been changed from the actual first initial of the witness involved.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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