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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Canada

ID #1609254154
Added Tue, 29/12/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Теулон, MB

My wife and I were driving back to town with our two children sleeping in the backseat.

It was a Sunday evening, we stayed in the church and left around 10 p.m. on a warm summer night. There were no stars, no moon, because it was cloudy all weekend. it was a black night on the country road .we just took a bend in the road to a straight highway about 2 miles long, no cars behind me, and one car maybe a mile ahead.

There were a couple of overhead power lines on this stretch of highway. Suddenly, to the left of the car, I saw a ditch and trees. There was no light behind us, or I would have looked in the rearview mirror first.

I looked at my wife to tell her what I was seeing, and she was looking through the windshield at the roof of the car. I looked up and saw this glowing white fluorescent ball about 4 feet (1.2 m) in diameter and about five feet (1.5 m) near the roof of the car.

I could only see the front half of the ball shape, because the roof line of the car I couldn't see the rest of the object. The car was moving at a speed of 100 km per hour, and the object completely motionless hovered over the roof without noise.

The object looked like it was moving through a fog or cloud. No noise.

I never felt anything strange, and the car wasn't damaged either.

I looked at the road because I was driving for a second and then looked up again and it was gone.

My wife said it goes straight up into the black sky.

I was going to tell the RCMP about it, but they didn't believe us. I know it wasn't swamp gas, Pluto, weather balloon, helicopter, satellite, reflection from Venus or airliner 727!

Original news

Date: June 12 1992
Location:  Teulon, Manitoba
Summary:  my wife an i were on our way back to city with our 2 children sleeping in back .it was sunday nite we had stayed for church an left around 10.oo pm on a warm summer night.there were no stars or moon cause it was cloud overcast all weekend. it was a black nite on the country road .we had just turned on the bend of the road to a straight highway about 2 miles long , no cars behind me with one car maybe a mile ahead there r a couple overhead powerlines on that stretch of highway. suddenly on the left side of the car i could see the ditch an the trees. there was no light behind us or i would have looked in the rear view mirror first . i looked at my wife to tell her what i could see an she was looking up thro the wind shield towards the roof of the car . i looked up an saw this glowing white fluorescent ball about 4 feet in diameter an about five feet about the roof of the car. i only saw the front half of the ball shape cause the roof line of the car i could not see the rest of the object.the car is travelling at 100km per hour an the object was hovering completely still over the roof an no noise. the object looked like it was moving thro mist or a cloud . no noise. never felt anything weird or the car was not affected either. i looked at the road cause i was driving the car for a second then looked back up again an it was gone. my wife said it went straight up into the black sky. was gonna tell the rcmp but they would not believe us . i know it was not swamp gas . pluto. weather balloon helicopter. satellite. reflection from venus. or a 727 air liner!
Source:  ufostalker


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