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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Spirits. Russia

ID #1612194086
Added Mon, 01/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.1989 23:00
улица Воровского
Krasnodarskiy kray

The nurse, D. a resident of an apartment building on Vorovsky Street could not sleep. Then she put the mattress on the floor in her apartment, because of the pain in her back, it was difficult for her to sleep on the bed. The night was hot and sultry. After reading for a long time, she finally decided to turn off the light and try to sleep. 

After that, she was surprised by the sudden unusual darkness. Then she got up, finally managed to find a window and looked out - the street seemed completely dark, and all the street lights were strangely extinguished. So she turned to her mattress, sat down on it, and suddenly saw two eyes on some humanoid creature a meter from the floor. The eyes were round in shape, yellow-greenish and phosphorescent. 

Both eyes were fixed on the witness. She thought she must be hallucinating, so she decided to close her eyes briefly to let it go. She did so, but the strange eyes did not disappear, and now she saw an additional pair of eyes lower than the first, only smaller and also staring at her. 

Then she waved her hands, and the two pairs of eyes disappeared in an instant.

Original news

Location. Sochi, Caucasus, Russia
Date: mid July 1989
Time: 2300-midnight
Medical nurse, D. resident of an apartment house on Vorovskogo Street couldn’t sleep. She then put a mattress on the floor of her apartment, having pain on her back she found it difficult to sleep on a bed. The night was hot and sultry. After reading for a long time she finally decided to switch off the light and attempt to sleep. After she did this she was surprised by the sudden unusual darkness. She then stood up, was finally able to locate the window and looked outside, —the street appeared absolutely dark, with any street lights on which were strangely turned off. So she turned to her mattress, sat on it and suddenly saw two eyes on some type of humanoid entity, a meter from the floor. The eyes were round in shape, yellow-greenish & phosphorescent in appearance. They looked more like pupils, alone. Both eyes stared at the witness. She thought that she must have been hallucinating so she decided to close her eyes briefly and everything would go away. She did that but the strange eyes had not disappeared, and now she saw an additional pair of eyes below the first ones, only smaller in size, and also looking steadily at her. She then waved her hands and the two pair of eyes vanished in an instant.
Source: V. Bystrov in: “Chernomorskaya Zdravnitsa” newspaper Sochi 1989


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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