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UFO. United Kingdom

ID #1616752297
Added Fri, 26/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
26.08.1996 21:00
United Kingdom

We were walking in the park at night (we were young and left to go for a quiet beer - that was BEFORE either of us started drinking).

It was just me and 8 of my friends, a few of us stopped to light cigarettes, and one of the other guys who were with us just looked around, I think (it was a clear night), he said something like " wow! look at the shooting stars!"

The "shooting stars" in question were two points of light (slightly brighter than the stars, but not very bright) running across the sky, we watched them fly across the sky, thinking they were shooting stars, then they turned around, we watched for 10-20 minutes.

It was beautiful, like they were playing tag, chasing each other across the sky (they were staying on one side of us, I think, to the east (I can figure out with the compass), driving at a speed / doing maneuvers you wouldn't believe. I've never seen anything like it, these were "definitely" unusual planes, I'm talking about flying one way at least 10 times faster than the fastest jet I've ever seen, and then in the blink of an eye going completely in the opposite direction at the same speed, with the other one keeping behind. 

I just wish I had a video camera with me that night. I know I've talked a lot, but I really wouldn't want to be contacted about this by phone or mail (with all the hype around MIB, etc.with genuine observations).

I just came across this site and thought I'd share what I saw, it's really what I look for every night (heh, I've seen a lot of shit in the sky since then, but they were the best, if you're wondering, we get a lot of traffic here, like 40-50 flying in straight lines across the sky (REALLY high, binoculars don't zoom in at all, and pretty fast too), which may be satellites, I haven't looked at them (but their volume tells me it's not).

I was also lucky enough to see, um, an oval red fire thing, probably the best I can describe, the size of (in my opinion, I'm not sure of the distance) a lamp, and moving as fast as I can see cars passing by. 

I'm sorry, this is all very vague, but I've seen a lot of it here.

Original news

Date:  August 16 1996
Location:  Aberdeen Scotland
Time:   21:00
Summary:  We were walking through a park at night (we were young, and were away to go and drink some beers on the sly – this was BEFORE any of us had been drinking) It was just me and 8 of my friends, a few of us stopped to light up cigarettes and one of the other guys who was with us was just looking around I guess (it was a clear night) he said something like ‘wow! look at the shooting stars!’ the ‘shooting stars’ in question were two dots of light (a little more intense than stars, but not very bright) streaking across the sky, we watched them go across the sky thinking they were shooting stars, then they turned round, we watched them for about 10-20 minutes, without trying to sound cliched, it was beautiful, like they were playing tag, chasing each other across the sky (they stayed on one side of us, I think East (I can find out with a compass  and going at speeds/doing maneuvers you wouldn’t believe. I’ve never seen anything like it, they were *definitely* not conventional aircraft, I’m talking about going one way at at least 10 times faster than the fastest jet I’ve ever seen, then in the blink of an eye it was going completely the opposite direction, at the same speed, with the other keeping close behind. I just wish I had a video camera with me that night. I know I’ve said a lot, but I really would rather not be contacted about this by phone, or mail, (with all the hype surrounding the MIB etc with genuine sightings) I just stumbled across this site and thought I’d share what I saw, it really is something I look up for every night (heh, I’ve seen a lot of shit in the sky since then, but these were the best, in case you’re interested though, we get a lot of traffic out this way, like 40-50 travelling in straight lines across the sky (REALLY high up, binoculars don’t magnify at all , and Pretty speedy too) which could be satellites, I haven’t looked into these (but the volume of them suggests to me they aren’t) I’ve also been privileged to see a, umm, oval red fiery thing is probably the best way I can describe it, about the size of (to my eye, I’m not sure of distance) a lamp-post head, and going about as fast as I see cars pass. Sorry this is all very vague, but I’ve seen a lot of this here and it’s all very much ‘oh, I see it now, what’s your point?’ to me now. Whatever, if you need to contact me, mail me at, I’ll get the mail and get back to you. Thanks, Anon. Duration: 20 min
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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