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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Germany

ID #1617127224
Added Tue, 30/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.07.1997 23:00

When my friends and I left the house to go to a party, I saw a triangular shape of lights in the sky. Simply put: the angular formation of lights, because there were no light sources on the "back side" of the object. There were 4-7 white lights on each side of the triangle. One light was in the "front corner". 

The object didn't make a sound. He made a circular motion. The axis of this movement was close to one of the" sides " of the device. After 2 minutes, it disappeared either by turning off the light, or disappeared behind clouds, or both (the sky was semi-cloudy). 

The size of the object (its height was in the cloud layer) had to be at least the size of a passenger plane. I don't remember if the white lights were flashing. It looked like this: (not sure about the number of lights) "X" represents the axis of motion.

Original news

Date:  July 3 1997
Location:  Bochum Germany
Time:   23:00
Summary:  When I and my friends left our house to go to a party I saw a triangular formation of lights in the sky. Better to say: an angular formation of lights because there were no lights on the “back side” of the object. There were 4-7 white lights on both “sides” of the triangle. One light was in the “front corner”. The object made no sound. It made a circling motion. The axis of this motion was close to one of the “sides” of the craft. After ca. 2 min it vanished either by turning off the lights or disappearing behind the clouds or both. ( the sky was semi clouded ). The size of the object ( it’s altitude was at cloud layer ) must have been that of a passenger aircraft at least. I don’t remember if the white lights were blinking. It looked like this: ( not sure about the number of lights ) The “X” represents the axis of motion. O X O O O O O O
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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