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Spirits. Argentina

ID #1622390350
Added Sun, 30/05/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 

Locals saw a strange figure, which they described as a"shroud". 

The phenomena that always occur in the early morning hours have become so common that in recent days several neighbors have been staying up late to see them, and thus they have been able to confirm the simultaneous presence of up to two such creatures, as well as red lights flying over the area.

 All witnesses, whether individuals or groups, agree that the entities are hazy and luminous, with a pair of red eyes that can be easily identified, and glassy faces (as if transparent). Their movements are smooth, and they always appear from behind the sand dunes, as if they " come from a naval base." 

Most of the witnesses agree that they take a great interest in the water tanks located above the roofs, and that they do not run away when they discover the presence of local residents, but stare at them for several minutes. 

During the observations, there is a deep silence, and "the air seems still", and there is no heat or cold-only a feeling of warmth, as if the creatures were radiating heat. Witnesses also claim that when the "shroud" appears, everything becomes darker, as if the surrounding lighting were dimmed. 

Another interesting fact is the large number of cats and dogs that come to the place where the observation is taking place and sit down to observe it in silence, in a state resembling a trance. A series of semicircular impressions, not very deep, with intervals of 15-20 cm in some cases and 30-50 cm in others, were found in the dunes. Local residents identified them as traces of a strange creature.

Attempts were made to photograph the "shroud", but all the images, despite the use of different cameras, look empty. 

One witness who came to the site to witness the phenomenon took two photos of the prints in the afternoon and decided to stay with a group of people hoping to see the "shroud", managing to take several photos of the same and record new prints appearing in the dunes after the observation. A very unusual print was found at the site, but residents are not sure if this is due to the phenomenon: it has the shape of a five-fingered claw. 

One witness tried to use a telescopic sight to examine the figure in more detail, but "when he tried to focus on it, he saw nothing, although it could only be seen with the naked eye.".

Original news

Location. Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Date: July 29 2002
Time: early morning
Local residents have seen a strange figure, which they described as resembling a “shroud”. The apparitions, which always occur in the early morning hours, have become so common that in recent days several neighbors have stayed up late to see them, and it is thus that they were able to confirm the simultaneous presence of up to 2 such beings, as well as red lights flying over the area. All the witnesses whether individuals or in a group, agree that the entities are nebulous and glowing, with a pair of red eyes being clearly identifiable, and glassy faces (as if transparent). Their movements are smooth and they always appear from behind the sand dunes, as though “coming form the Naval Base.” Most witnesses agree that they show a great interest in the water tanks located above the roofs, and that they do not flee upon detecting the presence of local residents—rather, they stare at them fixedly for some minutes. Deep silence is perceived during the observations and “the air appears to become still” and neither heat nor cold can be felt—only a sensation of warmth, as if the beings emanated heat. Witnesses also state that things appear to be darker when “the shroud” appears, as though ambient lighting were dimmed. Another curious fact is the large number of cats and dogs who report to the place where the sightings occur and sit down to observe it in silence, in a state resembling a trance. A series of semi-circular prints have been found in the dunes, not very deep, with 15-20 cm separations in some cases and 30-50 cm in others. The locals have identified them as the strange being’s footprints. Efforts have been made to photograph the “shroud”, but all images, despite the use of different cameras appear exposed. One witness who approached the site to witness the phenomenon took two photos of the prints in the afternoon and decided to stay with the group of people hoping to see the “shroud”, managing to take some photos of same and record the new prints which appeared in the dunes after the sighting. A completely uncommon print was found at the site—but the residents aren’t sure if it’s related to the phenomenon: it has the shape of a five-fingered claw. One witness tried to make use of his carbine’s telescopic sight to see the figure in greater detail, but “when he tried to focus on it, he could see nothing_it was a though it could only be seen with the unaided eye.”

Source: Scott Corrales, IHU, Christian Quintero and O A Mario Proyecto Condor


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