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UFO. Brazil

ID #1622557045
Added Tue, 01/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.1970 03:30
Рио-де-Жанейро - RJ

A strange, but very real fact. I will try to report something that happened more than 30 years ago, so please note that some details may be a little inaccurate, as truthful as possible.

I was only 17 years old, and it was in Rio de Janeiro, June 1970. In good weather, my friends and I went to a suburb called Barra da Tijuca. 

In the ' 70s, Barra, as we called it, had only a few houses on the first 15 miles of pristine beach (now it's full of luxury skyscrapers). Like everyone else, we played bowling, laughed, and had a great time with our girlfriends on Paradise Beach. Closer to the beginning was a marine biological reserve with a barbed wire fence on both sides of the coastal road. There is also a nice restaurant on the Marisco cliff, at the end of the 15-mile beach. 

However, one Friday or Saturday in the week leading up to my 18th birthday, I was driving home in my blue Chevy Opal from this restaurant shortly after three in the morning. We raced quickly along the bumpy coastal road to get to the girl's house before her mother woke up. 

I sang happily as I listened to the radio and looked up at the beautiful night sky with the full moon and bright stars. I was completely indifferent as my yellow high beams scattered the darkness ahead of us. When we started to cross the marine reserve with its fences, the radio suddenly began to give static interference and completely turned off. I thought it was just because of the bumps on the asphalt. Then the road lights also went out in a sequence of sections, darkening the entire beach, but this was not unusual in Rio that year. 

However, to my complete surprise, after a few seconds, both headlights also went completely off and the ENGINE stopped! It was something else! We had half the gas tank left, and it was very strange to me that the engine could stop at this speed! I've never heard of such a thing! 

I immediately hit the brakes, and they worked perfectly (mechanical drums), trying not to go off the road, because we were going damn fast. 

Since the road was perfectly straight and there were no trees nearby, just the beach on the right side and a long lagoon and vegetation of about 150 feet (45 m) on the left side, I managed to stop safely on the side of the road. We were both a little scared, but I jumped out of the car to check for any damage to the tires, but they are intact. I tried to start the engine, but it refused to start and much more - there was no electricity. This puzzled me, as everything worked perfectly. I checked the circuits, cables, and connections with the cigarette lighter, but everything seems to be fine. 

Okay, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere, with a small chance of being robbed, mugged, or worse. I walked around to see if any houses or lights were coming, but we were completely alone. The wind blew and I looked up at the sky, but I thought it was going to rain, because I couldn't see the stars anymore. 

A big round black cloud was right above us, and I could already feel the cold and electricity in the air, just like before some storms - but there wasn't a single cloud in the sky a few minutes before! What bad luck! At first we stopped on the street near a tree so that the robber would not find us, but since the car did not appear for 10 minutes, we decided to get in the car, take cover and relax. 

The last time I looked at my watch was around 3: 30 in the morning. I thought I'd dozed off for a while, when I was suddenly awakened by a loud noise coming from the shaking fences, a screaming girl to my right, and an ultra - bright beam of light-so bright in fact, I thought these were the highlights of a motorcycle gang. 

The girl immediately complained of a severe headache and eye strain, but I could hardly see anything and could do nothing but hug her at that moment. When the lights went out, I got out of the car. First I looked around and saw that the barbed wire fence had stopped shaking and shaking. How strange it all was! Then I looked up to see the cloud, and noticed that the black cloud now has bright colored lights shining in a circle above us. 

At that time, very few people cared or cared about flying saucers, and I was thinking about pretty girls, not UFOs. I suppose that since I don't remember seeing people then, but a huge figure, I didn't realize that I was seeing a flying saucer, but rather something very unusual. I met something unexpected and felt restless, dizzy, confused, a little scared, but I do not know why, I was in no way scared, paralyzed, or anything like that.

We noticed that the lights were splitting from half a circle to meet on opposite sides, moving back and forth, I had a very, very strong feeling that I was being watched closely, I tried to run back, but suddenly felt weak, stumbled, but continued to the car. 

I found the girl trembling, and, oddly enough, we both shouted at those lights to go away. It took them a long time (10 minutes?) to leave. Then the cloud literally exploded with light and slowly rose into the sky above us. 

It took a few seconds at a steady speed to get to the beginning of the 15-mile stretch of beach (we were near the middle), and then it moved to the beginning and then up towards the open sea with a huge acceleration. become just a dot in the sky and connect the other two dots. A few minutes later, the lights on the beach road came back on.

I was able to start the engine the first time, the radio was fine, and we were finally able to get home. I'll never be able to talk to a girl again. Her mother was very worried (read-angry), as she had to go to the hospital because her right eye was seriously damaged - her retina was burned and seemed to "drip" into the area of the white sclera. I myself had a very bad headache for almost two weeks, but it passed. 

However, after a few months, I started having strong" bursts of energy " all over my body (I still have), I have strange dreams, premonitions, and I feel like I'm floating at night (sometimes it still happens). Oddly enough, for some reason (mental block, innocence?)

I can remember fear, but not panic at any moment, and people laughed every time I tried to tell them what had happened, so my mind dismissed what had happened as "unimportant." And I didn't make any effort to remember it clearly until fifteen years ago, during a meeting of spiritualists. 

Spiritualists are different people who always seek to expand the truth, whether you like it or not. 

Oddly enough, thirty years later, I met a good friend of my wife ((male name removed)), who was my age and also an engineer, and went through a very similar experience in the same week, under almost the same circumstances, and also suffered similar consequences! He even told me that the UFO was detected by Navy radars, Rio air traffic controllers, and was even featured in the news. 

I can't remember all these details, but I found out later that they were true. Anyway, in different ways, we both became spiritualists, gave "energy healing passes" , and became very good friends. One day I will make a regression to learn more about it. 

I obviously think that governments know everything about this kind of phenomenon, and there is a huge cover-up that makes me wonder how far from the whole truth Ernesto Bono's "Great Conspiracy" is. 

This is clearly grossly exaggerated (sometimes complete fantasy) and poorly documented, but if even half of it is true, we'll be in big trouble! ((name removed))

Original news

Date: June 13 2003
Location: Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Time: 03:30
Summary: A strange but very real fact I will try to report what happened more than 30 years ago, so please consider that some details may be a little imprecise, even though as true as one can be.

I was just 17 years old and it was in Rio de Janeiro, June 1970. When the weather was nice, I and my friends used to go a suburb named Barra da Tijuca. In the 70s, Barra as we called it, had just a bunch of houses in its first 15 miles of unspoiled beach (now the place is full of luxury skyscrapers). As everybody else, we bowled, laughed and had a wonderful time with our girlfriends in front of a paradisiacal beach. Close to the beginning there was a biological marine reserve with barbed wire fences at both sides of the beach road. There is also a nice restaurant at the Marisco rock, at the end of the 15-mile long beach. One day however, on Friday or Saturday of the week before my 18th birthday, I was driving my girl home in my blue Opala Chevrolet from this restaurant a little after 3 AM. We were speeding fast on the bumpy beach side road to arrive at the girl’s home before her mother woke up. I was singing happily while listening to the radio and seeing the beautiful night sky with a full moon and bright stars. I was totally unconcerned while my yellow high light beams vanished the darkness ahead of us. When we started crossing the marine reserve with its fences, the radio suddenly started to give static and went completely off. I thought it was just because of a bump on the pavement. Then, the road lights also went off in a sequence of stretches, blackening out the entire beach, but this was not unusual at that year in Rio. However, to my total surprise, seconds later both headlights also went off entirely, and the ENGINE stopped! That was something else ! We still had half a gas tank, and I felt it very strange that a motor could stop at such speed ! I had never heard of such a thing! I hit the brakes at once and they worked perfectly (mechanic drums) while trying not to leave the road, as we were going damn fast. Since the road was perfectly straight and there were no close trees, only the beach on the right side and the long lagoon and vegetation about 150 feet on our left side, I managed to stop safely at the side of the road. Both of us were a little startled, but I dropped from the car to see if the tires had suffered any damages, but they were intact. I tried to start the engine, but it refused to go and more – there was no sign of electricity whatsoever. This puzzled me as everything had been working perfectly. I checked the circuits, cables and connections using a cigarette lighter but everything seemed OK. Well, we were stuck in the middle of nowhere, with a small chance of getting mugged, robbed or worse. I walked around to see if there was any house or lights approaching, but we were entirely alone. A wind started and I looked up to the sky, but it seemed to me that it was going to rain as I could no longer see the stars. A big round black cloud was just in top of us and I could already feel some cold and electricity in the air, just like before some storms – but the sky had not a single cloud moments before! Well, what a bad luck ! We first stayed outside near a tree, so that if a burglar came he would not find us, but as no car appeared for 10 minutes, we decided to get into the car, get some shelter and relax. The last time I looked at my clock it was about 3:30 AM. It seemed to me that I had dozed for a while, when I woke up suddenly with a loud noise coming from shaking fences, the girl screaming at my right, and a super-bright beam of light – so bright in fact, I thought it was the highlights of a motorcycle gang. The girl immediately complained from a strong headache and eye strain, but I could barely see and was not able to do nothing besides hugging her at that moment. When the lights diminished I got out of the car. First I looked around and could see the barbed wire fences stopping to shake and shivered. How strange was all that! Then I looked up to see the cloud, and noticed that the black cloud now had bright colored lights shining in a circle over us. At that time very few people cared or worried about flying saucers, and my mind was in beautiful girls not UFO’s. I guess that as I do not remember seeing people then, but a huge shape, I did not realize I was seeing a flying saucer but rather something very unusual. I met something unexpected and felt uneasy, dizzy, confused, a little scared but I do not know why, I was not in any way terrified, paralyzed or the like.

We noticed that the lights were splitting from half sides of the circle to meet at their opposite sides, going back and forth, I had a very, very strong feeling of being closely observed, tried to run back but felt suddenly weak, stumbled but continued to the car. I found the girl trembling and, ridiculously enough, we both yelled at those lights to get off. It took them a long time (10 minutes?) to leave. Then, the cloud literally exploded in light, and slowly got high in the sky above us. It took a few seconds at uniform speed to reach the beginning of the 15-mile long beach stretch (we were near the middle), and then it propelled itself to the beginning and then upwards in the direction of the open sea with a tremendous acceleration to become just a point in the sky, and join two other points. Minutes later, the beach road lights went on again, I could start the engine in the first try, the radio was OK, and we could finally get home. I could never talk to the girl again. Her mother was really worried (read pissed off) since she had to go to the hospital because her right eye had been severely injured – her retina suffered burns and seemed to have “dripped” in the white sclera area. I myself had a very strong headache for almost two weeks but it went off. Months later however, I started having strong “surges of energy” throughout my body (I still do), have some odd dreams, premonitions and feel like floating at night (I still do sometimes). Strangely enough, for some reason (mental block, innocence ?) I can recollect fear but no panic at any moment, besides people made fun every time I tried to tell them what had occurred, so my mind repressed what happened as “unimportant,” and I did not made any effort to remember it clearly until fifteen years ago, during a spiritualist meeting. Spiritualists are a different kind of people who always look to expand the truth – like it or not. As strange is the fact that, thirty years later, I got acquainted with a good friend of my wife, ((male’s name deleted)), that has my own age and is also an engineer, and passed through a very similar experience in the very same week, in almost the same circumstances, and also suffered from similar after effects! He even told me the UFO had been detected by the Navy radars, Rio’s traffic air controllers, and even noted on the news. I can’t remember all these details, but later learned they were true. Anyway, by different paths, we both became spiritualists, and give “energy healing passes,” and are very good friends. One day I shall do a regression to dig more about this. I obviously think the governments know all about this kind of phenomena and there is a huge cover up, which makes me wonder how far from the whole truth is “The Great Conspiracy” of Ernesto Bono. It is clearly much exaggerated (sometimes a total fantasy), and is poorly documented, but if just half of it is true we are in deep trouble! ((name deleted))
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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