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UFO. India

ID #1622570949
Added Tue, 01/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
30.11.2003 02:00

A UFO was seen in Mumbai on the last full moon.

A few days ago, I saw something like a UFO in Mumbai. I searched a lot on the web to find out about UFOs, and found this site where I got a lot of information, and also looked at several cases that prove that there are UFOs.

 Thanks to the experience of those who have seen UFOs mentioned here, I was inspired and thought to share my experience with all of you, as I decided not to talk to anyone about it, as no one would believe it ... Well, now it's up to the reader how they perceive it, but real experienced people never worry about what the reader thinks, because they know that what they saw was a real miracle that can't be explained just by describing it, but just to experience it.

Well, guys, believe me or not, I don't believe care, but let me tell you that I saw a UFO just a month ago in Mumbai ... I don't remember the exact date, but it was only two or three days before or after the last night of the full moon.

I was asleep and woke up with a natural call, I went to the bathroom, worked and came back, went to the kitchen, drank a glass of water and checked the time, which was almost 1.30-2.00 am, I went out on my balcony and just headed to the sky to see the stars (it's my hobby to watch the stars).

I was looking at the stars and then turned around to go back to sleep when suddenly a bright star caught my attention, I saw a very bright star in the sky. I have never seen such a bright star (the direction is towards Bandra over the sea on Bandra) it was just a bright light white and slightly yellow in color without any blinks and flashes, I kept looking at it. at first it was just a small dot, but gradually its size increased, not so big, but there was definitely an increase in its size and within 5-10 seconds.

I realized that as it increases in size, this light has a very fast circular motion (like if you see a ball that is on fire and is spinning very fast in circular motions). It remains for a few more seconds and then started minimizing again, and then it disappeared ... this show was only 15 to 20 seconds long.

Original news

Date: November 30 2003
Location: Mumbai India
Time: 02:00
Summary: ufo seen in mumbai last full moon night Few days back i saw sort of ufo in mumbai.I surfed a lot on net to find about ufo’s and found this site, where i got lots of information and also gone through some cases’s which proves that there are ufo’s. Because of the experience’s who have seen ufos which are mentioned here i got inspired and thought to share my exp with u all , as i had decided not to talk with anyone regarding these as no one will believe on this …Well now all depend’s on reader how he takes , but the real experienced persons never bother about what reader think’s , because they know that what they saw was real miracle and one which cannot be explained just by describing it, but just to experience it.And only few lucky persons get this exp…. Well u al guys believe me or not i don’t care but let me tell u that i saw ufo just one month back in mumbai….. i don’t remember the date exactly but it was just two three days before or after to last full moon night.i was sleeping and got awake for natural call , i went to bath room had my work done and came back , went to kitchen had a glass of water and checked the time it was nearly 1.30 – 2.00in night i went to my balcony and just headed towards sky to see stars (as its my hobby to watch stars) i was looking to stars and then turn around to go back to sleep when suddenly an bright star attracted my mind, saw an very bright star in sky . i never saw such bright star (direction – towards bandra side over the sea at bandra) it was just an bright light white and slight yellow without any blink or flash ,i kept staring at it .first it was just a small dot but gradually there was an increase in its size ,not that big but definitely there was an increase in its size and within 5-10 secs i realised that as it is increasing in its size there is an very fast circular motion of that light (how if u see a ball which is burning in flames and is revolving very fast in circular motion).It remain for few more sec and then again started minimizing and then it vanished…this show was just of 15 to 20 secs….. well guys believe this or not but what i wrote is real thing…if anyone who have seen this kind of thing please confirm ..
Source:  National UFO Reporting Center


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