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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. Argentina

ID #1623339903
Added Thu, 10/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
20.03.2005 04:00
Парк Луро

Two witnesses driving along Highway 35 about 30 km south of Santa Rosa saw a beam or "tube of light" about 50 meters from the paved road. Without seeing the source of the specified light, they noticed that the "pipe" was projected from a height of about 8 meters into the air to the ground, without touching the surface. 

"It seemed to hang in the air." 

Faced with this circumstance, they slowed down their vehicle, finding that (inside the tube) two clearly descending figures could be seen, one on top of the other, with their legs slightly raised. 

The witnesses add that the "tube" was approximately 1.5 meters wide, was completely white in color, and allowed witnesses to see that the creatures were dressed in silver clothing, like the astronauts ' jumpsuits. They also noticed that the creatures held their arms outstretched, as if they were holding an item, while the rest of the arm was pointing down and slightly away from the body. 

Faced with the unexpected encounter and the subsequent sense of dread, they chose to speed up from the sight, looking back to see that the "tube of light" remained in place as they left the area.

Original news

Date:  March 20 2005
Location:  Parque Luro near Santa Rosa, Argentina
Time:  0400A
Summary:  Two witnesses driving along Highway number 35 some 30km south of Santa Rosa saw a beam or “tube of light” some 50 meters from the paved road surface. Unable to see the source of said light, they noticed that the “tube” was projected from a height of some 8 meters in the air down to the ground, without touching the surface. “It seemed suspended in mid-air”. Faced with this circumstance, they slowed their vehicle, detecting that (inside the tube) it was possible to see two figures in apparent descent, one on top of the other, with their legs slightly raised. The witnesses add that the “tube” measured approximately 1 ½ meter wide, was entirely white in color, and allowed the witnesses to see that the beings wore silvery clothing, like astronaut type jumpsuits. They further noticed that the beings held their arms outstretched as though carrying some element in their hands while the rest of the arm was downward and slightly away from the body. Faced with the unexpected encounter and their subsequent feelings of fear, they chose to speed away from the sight, looking back to see that the “tube of light” remained in place as they pulled away from the area.
Source:   Raul Oscar Chaves, CIUFOS Argentina and Scott Corrales Institute of Hispanic Ufology


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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