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UFO. Italy

ID #1489937094
Added Sun, 19/03/2017
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
вулкан Этна

On the night of 18 March 2017 during the eruption of mount Etna, the highest volcano in Europe, observed a very strange phenomenon - a vertical light pole.

According to the latest news, 16 March 2017 a team of 10 employees of the air force, which climbed to the top of mount Etna, suffered from a sudden release of molten lava , being very close to the epicenter of hydrothermal explosion. Fortunately none of the reporters seriously injured. The journalists escaped with burns, bruises and shock.

But on this unusual story of the last burst of activity of Etna, which began on 28 February and continues up to the present day, has not ended.

Volcanologists conducting the monitoring of the most active European volcano, after midnight, recorded above the crater the appearance of a strange glow. Vertical column of light is visible on several photos taken by a webcam with an infrared filter with 8-second intervals.

Camera mounted on a stationary tripod shot moving to the right from the centre of the crater a bright light pole, whose brightness decreases as its distance from the crater. Unfortunately, the camera was mounted so that the upper part of this light post was out of sight.

Given the unusual UFO activity, which was observed during recent eruptions of the Mexican active volcanoes Colima and Popocatepetl, ufologists, believe that deep beneath the volcanoes located the alien base, I assume that the strange light pole on mount Etna can also be associated with aliens.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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