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UFO. Japan

ID #1624190911
Added Sun, 20/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
03.10.2014 13:48

As you may recall, I reported my UFO sighting in August to your website. Here today I would like to report on my recent UFO sighting:(attached PDF file and several photos) A small UFO landed.

Small (shining white) The UFO descended from the sky, zig-zag (arched) movements passed through the main gate of the temple and horizontally flew through 21 stone steps to finally land in a small depression on the soft ground next to it. steps. My friend and I accurately measured the dimensions of the gate and the stone steps to conduct a detailed video analysis. 

Our calculations showed that the size of the UFO was approximately 6 x 9 cm (2.5 x 3.5 inches), and it was moving at a speed of more than 80.2 km (50 miles) per hour, which proves that it was neither an insect nor a bird. 

We also found that by carefully examining the time-lapse still images, the UFO had three domed hemispheres on its surface, and overall it was shaped like a slightly curved boomerang. The place of observation is Kamakura (middle part of Japan).

It was strange that the trajectory of this small UFO was very similar to the trajectory of another UFO that I captured on video near the mountain. Tokachi-dake (northern Japan) three months earlier.

Before the UFO appeared, a young woman (with long black hair and white clothes) appeared out of nowhere and said nothing before disappearing into the night without a trace. Soon after, a UFO flew in from where she was looking. And this time, in the Kamakura temple, a similar woman suddenly appeared and began to climb the stone stairs, then a small UFO flew down as if it was following her. I had a strong feeling that these two girls were really the same person.

Original news

Date: October 3, 2014
Location: Japan
Time: 13:48 p.m.
Summary: As you may remember,I have reported my UFO sighting in August to your site. Here
Today I would like to report my recent UFO sighting: (attached please find PDF file and some photos)
Small UFO has landed
A small-sized (shining white) UFO swooped down from the sky, passing through the main temple gate with zigzag (arched) motions, and it horizontally flew over the 21 stone steps to finally land in a slight depression on the soft ground beside the steps. My friend and I precisely measured the dimensions of the gate and the stone steps in order to make detailed video analysis. Our computations revealed that the size of the UFO was approx. 6 X 9 cm(2.5×3.5 inches), and it was traveling faster than 80.2 km(50 miles) per hour, that which proved it was neither an insect nor a bird. We also found that, by close examinations of frame-by-frame still images, the UFO had three dome-shaped hemispheres on its surface, and on the whole, it was shaped like a slightly-curved boomerang. The location of the sighting was in Kamakura (middle part of Japan). Although the quality of the video on Youtube is not very good, here is the URL link;

It was strange that the trajectory of this small UFO closely resembled another UFO that I videotaped near Mt. Tokachi-dake (northern part of Japan) three month earlier.
Here is the  Youtube of the Tokachidake UFO

On Mt. Tokachi-dake, before a UFO appeared, one young lady (with long black hair in white clothes) appeared from nowhere, who spoke nothing before she vanished into the night without trace. Soon after that, the UFO came from the exact direction she was looking at. And this time at Kamakura temple, suddenly the same-looking lady appeared and started to go up the stone stairs, then the small UFO flew down as if it were following her. I had a strong feeling that those two young ladies were indeed the same person.
Source: Here


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