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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Gnome. Argentina

ID #1624543404
Added Thu, 24/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Мерло San Luis

Residents of Merlot claim that they saw demons near a hundred-year-old eucalyptus tree. The municipality cut the tree because its large branches endangered motorists traveling along the Avenida del Inca. 

It is reported that after work, some residents saw " little men who came out (from a tree) in single file from this place." While pruning operations were carried out on the avenue, next to the stream, traffic was interrupted and after restoration, local residents passing through the area, illuminated it with car headlights, claimed that they saw strange figures.

They reportedly saw "some little men come out of the amputated tree and walk in single file to the library." 

Most of the witnesses did not give details, but one woman, Cecilia de Gabrelle, said that their clothes had a brownish hue. Cecilia added that for many years there had been rumors about the appearance of "demons"in the area. 

"Here begins the Aguaribay Street, rich in local flora, and many claim to have seen tiny creatures between the branches and shadows."

Original news

Date: early July 2007
Location:  Merlo, San Luis, Argentina
Time: various
Summary: Residents of Merlo claim having seen imps near a hundred year old eucalyptus tree. The municipality trimmed the tree because its large branches were jeopardizing motorists traveling along Avenida Del Inca. After work, some residents reportedly saw “little men coming out (of the tree) in single file from that location.” While the trimming operations took place on the avenue, adjacent to a stream, traffic was interrupted and once restored, locals driving through the area, lighting it with their car headlights, claimed to have seen the strange figures. They reportedly saw “some little men coming out of the amputated tree and walking single file toward the library”. Most witnesses did not offer details, but one woman, Cecilia de Gabrele, described their clothing as having a brownish hue. Cecilia added that for many years there have been stories of “imp” sightings in that district. “That’s where Aguaribay Street begins, which has abundant native flora, and many claim having seen tiny beings between the branches and shadows.”
Source:  Mario Bracamonte, Proyecto CATENT, Translation S. Corrales IHU


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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